The Student Room Group

Biomedical Sciences- Warwick or Birmingham?

I've got offers from Warwick for biomedical science and Birmingham for medical science. Both are BBB but i dont know which one to go to. Can anyone help me decide?
Reply 1
well i would say the better option is warwick because its higher up in the league table both for biological sciences and overall table. Also the buildings of birmingham look very ugly and i personally couldnt picture myself living there for 3 years, congrates on both offers though, im still waiting for a response from warwick :frown: but i recommend you visit both unis if you can and decide from there
Reply 2
What's the qualification apart from the degree? Are they accredited? What jobs to they lead to?
ohhh I'm hoping to apply for Biomedical Sciences in Warwick. Quite a late reply, I know...Where have you decided to go?

Birmingham also happens to be another university I'm applying to and I personally really liked the buildings! :p:
Reply 4
I would choose warwick, because I preferred it there when I looked. But it is entirely up to you, where do you think you would be happiest?
which course is accredited, and what you want to do after the degree

end of the day, its where ever you are the happiest
Woah so much changes in three years. Bham no longer do a biomed course (medical science instead) and Warwick is AAB not BBB
i agree to look into if they are accredited, if they arent accredited by the NHS dont panic i have applied to dundee and they arent, it just means ull work for a company rather than the NHS, however having a think about where you want to work in the future is a good idea!
I would say that birmingham is better for biomed, it has a great medical school aswell, i would say warwick is a good uni, but not as gd, for biomed, warwick tends to excell in english/ history/maths based subjects!

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