I posted the same problem 5 minutes ago..yet it's been taken away..
Basically, my brother is violent towards, me emotionally and physically. It's been going on for about 4 years now with me just making a comment, or doing something a sister would do and he would just lash out.. hit me, beat me..slam my head against a wall etc.
It's got to the point now where i don't love him..because i can't, every memory of him his upsetting and violent. I can't find anything to love.
My parents are aware, they tell him its just me winding him up, that i should avoid him etc. He goes around telling them 'it was just a touch, she's over exaggerating', he does it in a way that they believe him. I have bruises..yet they don't believe its from him, as they're never around to witness it. They hear shouting and assume we're arguing.
Is there anything more I can do?