The Student Room Group


Does Heffers give student discount? If so how much? if not then :frown:

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Reply 1
Nope. They're cheap overall, though, so worthwhile I guess. That is, worthwhile for anything you particularly *need* to buy, bookwise. I think in most cases it isn't necessary to buy books.
Reply 2
Nope. They're cheap overall, though, so worthwhile I guess. That is, worthwhile for anything you particularly *need* to buy, bookwise. I think in most cases it isn't necessary to buy books.

Well no but it is nice to have a huge full bookshelf and library books are gay
Reply 3
Well no but it is nice to have a huge full bookshelf and library books are gay

I'm sure nobody objects to a shelf of owned books if they actually had the money to afford it.
Reply 4
No they dont, but I disagree with you craggy, the books are very expensive!
Heffers is cool, nicer than Borders for hanging around in when you should be working. Borders nevertheless has those 20% off weekends for students.
Reply 6
Heffers isn't cheap. (Neither is it extortionate). It does, however, sell extremely cheap newspapers -- get them from there, not elsewhere! :smile:

As for buying/owning books...have to confess that it's very much my indulgence (particularly battered old secondhand copies for 50p!) -- as far as I can plan, I'll be around for a while, and I'm unlikely to get bored of, or cease to find a use for, books. So, the more the merrier! :biggrin:
There are few things more annoying than wanting some information you once read in a book you don't own. Being able to go straight to the book/chapter/page is a wonderful thing. Which explains why books are most of my luggage when I come up...:rolleyes:
Reply 7
Well normally I would get a cheap older edition for like £5 off amazon (books aren't that expensive, it is pretty easy to fill a bookshelf without being rich...) but I need the latest edition and I need to buy it from a bookshop since I have some vouchers (and it isn't actually any cheaper online)
Reply 8
Heffers is expensive, IMO. The Cambridge book shop is the best bet as you get 20% off, but they don't have the best selection (only CUP books mainly). Borders seem do some "student discount days" at the beginning of each term which are quite good.

It does, however, sell extremely cheap newspapers -- get them from there, not elsewhere! :smile:

:s-smilie: I thought newspapers/magazines were uniformly priced?
The Cambridge book shop is the best bet as you get 20% off, but they don't have the best selection (only CUP books mainly).

That's all well and good if they have what you want, but in my experience, they never do, even if what you want is CUP.
Reply 10
That's all well and good if they have what you want, but in my experience, they never do, even if what you want is CUP.

Yeah, I did say they don't have the best selection.
Reply 11
Heffers is good as it often has second hand versions of the latest edition of books which knocks the price down a bit. Plus no other shop in cambridge has such a vast selection for my subject. You can also get money off with their loyalty card thing, and sometimes you can barter the price. I got a £20 for £14 because I bartered :biggrin:
Reply 12
That's all well and good if they have what you want, but in my experience, they never do, even if what you want is CUP.

If you want CUP, go to the CUP bookshop and exploit the discount your student card gives you (and that's not just on selected weekends!).

I thought newspapers/magazines were uniformly priced?

Has something to do with the fact that every proper 'university town' has to (or does) sell cheap newspapers every day. Heffers, as our university bookshop, sells those papers. Good for the weekends, particularly! Go in and have a look -- they're right near the door. :smile:
Reply 13
sometimes you can barter the price. I got a £20 for £14 because I bartered

Yep! Go for the book with the bent/battered/stained cover, and argue for it cheap. Score!
Reply 14
or make it battered yourself.....:ninja:
Reply 15
No comment.
I can translate for you: I have done this before and feel extremely guilty about it. Despite this, I intend to repeat said act this Tuesday. From now until then I shall be self-flagellating most furiously. I am a naughty girl.

Reply 17
Self-flagellating with the book of choice, presumably, to make it sufficiently battered. Nothing like killing two birds with one stone.
yeah baby :biggrin:
Self-flagellating with the book of choice, presumably, to make it sufficiently battered. Nothing like killing two birds with one stone.

Whips and chains? No thanks, I'll just batter myself around the head with Volume II of the Cambridge Economic History of Britain.... :p: