I have a huge fear of having to read texts out loud to the class. In one of my classes, my teacher often goes around the class and gets us to read the articles. As soon as she says this, my heart starts pounding, I start sweating and I begin worrying for when it comes round to me. Then when I read, I often choke and my voice goes really "wobbly" and I end up having to pause for like 3 seconds after each sentence just to catch my breath.
I'm fine when talking to people, and I don't have any sort of anxiety disorder (as far as I'm aware). And tbh I find I'm more comfortable giving a presentation in front of my class than reading a passage. I didn't always have this - when I was younger, maybe until a year ago, I was perfectly fine with reading in front of people. But now I get so scared of the thought of it, I even consider leaving the classroom just before it's my turn to read.
How do I resolve this??! I feel as if I'm inflicting this choking/losing my breath problem on myself simply by worrying about it, but I don't know how to stop worrying about it! I'm scared I'll choke and embarrass myself, but I feel I only do that because I'm so scared.