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Original post by Paracosm
On a train... :hmmm: I presume you are not using your super high-tech phone to write this? :hmmm:

:noway: Tablet.
Original post by TheGirlFelonXxXx
Wow im so sorry to hear about ur Aunt, its tough when they move away and you hardly have time to communicate, but yh u are right, try to cherish all the moments bcuz at the end of they day its still her and her having a illness wont change that :smile: And tbh college is fine, at times it gets too much, even tho they changed it to a 10:00 am start and im right near the college lol but it gets tiring.

And i study Biology, Chemistry and Phycology, out of 3 of them, I only enjoy Bio and Phycology

It is :frown:
:jumphug: exactly!!!

haha, I do know what you mean :console: make sure you leave yourself lots of time to relax and refresh yourself after tough college days, your health is vital!!! :hugs:

Why do you hate chemistry as well :emo: why oh why :emo:

psychology is great though :yy:
biology can die :h:
Original post by tsrmember1
Hey guys

Why hello :hi:
Original post by Paracosm
On a train... :hmmm: I presume you are not using your super high-tech phone to write this? :hmmm:

@AngryJellyfish What is this technology we are speaking of :gasp:

Original post by july13
5CFDE9FB-0D9A-42D1-B6DB-7BD3BDEC68A2.jpeg This made me laugh just thought I’d put it out there

Fabulous xD

Original post by chillbill79
Angery reacts only

:rant: is this what you wanted?
Also hello there!!!
Original post by CheeseIsVeg
@AngryJellyfish What is this technology we are speaking of :gasp:

Get this - I'm using the internet... without cables... on a train :zomg: 2018 truly is the future.
Original post by CheeseIsVeg
It is :frown:
:jumphug: exactly!!!

haha, I do know what you mean :console: make sure you leave yourself lots of time to relax and refresh yourself after tough college days, your health is vital!!! :hugs:

Why do you hate chemistry as well :emo: why oh why :emo:

psychology is great though :yy:
biology can die :h:

Dunno tbh, chemsitry is too complicated and stressful, at first it was fine and i enjoyed it but now.....
Yep can never say no to Phycology
Whaaattttt you dont like Biology???? Whys that?
Original post by CheeseIsVeg
and @laurawatt and @Labrador99 and why not cute lil @Cavsicle too :giggle:

[scroll]:creep: [/scroll]
Original post by AngryJellyfish
Get this - I'm using the internet... without cables... on a train :zomg: 2018 truly is the future.

cheesiness :zomg: we are already in 2904 AJ :eek4:
Original post by TheGirlFelonXxXx
Dunno tbh, chemsitry is too complicated and stressful, at first it was fine and i enjoyed it but now.....
Yep can never say no to Phycology
Whaaattttt you dont like Biology???? Whys that?

:frown: whatt noo chemistry is wonderful and interesting and blows your mind :sadnod:
biology. is. disgusting.
Original post by CoolCavy
[scroll]:creep: [/scroll]

:ninjagirl: How is Cav :ninjagirl:
Original post by Deyesy
We desperately need to do a blog

agree :moon: :tea:

Original post by Paracosm
On a train... I presume you are not using your super high-tech phone to write this?


Original post by CheeseIsVeg

:ninjagirl: How is Cav :ninjagirl:

throat hurts :sad:
Original post by CoolCavy
agree :moon: :tea:


throat hurts :sad:

I have blackcurrant strepsils :puppyeyes:
Original post by CheeseIsVeg
I have blackcurrant strepsils :puppyeyes:


strawberry > honey and lemon > blackcurrant
Original post by alrarity09
Aaah I don't know anyone here :colonhash:

Mi name's Cheese
I like my room cold so I freeze
People say I smell of fabreeze
I rhyme with ease
Don't particularly like peas
Love it when I have free's
so then I can just do what I please
Original post by CoolCavy

strawberry > honey and lemon > blackcurrant

this is so wrong I cannot even
Original post by CoolCavy

strawberry > honey and lemon > blackcurrant

this :yep:
Reply 73
Original post by AngryJellyfish
:noway: Tablet.

a high tech one like this? :mmm:

Original post by AngryJellyfish
Get this - I'm using the internet... without cables... on a train :zomg: 2018 truly is the future.
Shut. The. French. Windows.:pierre:

How's the train?:curious:

Original post by alrarity09
Aaah I don't know anyone here :colonhash:

:wavey: What up? I'm MR. Nice to meet you.:hat2:

And no that's not Morgan Freeman.:wink:
Original post by CheeseIsVeg
People say I smell of fabreeze
Don't particularly like peas
Reply 77
Original post by CoolCavy
overposted :noway:


Heyyy everyone! Looking forward to meeting new people on TSR xx :h:
Original post by Airmed

that is such a sassy look :hide:

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