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PLEASE HELP - University of Manchester Vs University of Nottingham?


Which university offer an overall better experience to study Economics?

I have an offer for both University of Manchester and University of Nottingham. Both have very similar offers to study Economics...

I heard that Manchester has an excellent social life but Nottingham is slightly better on the ranking for Economics. Nottingham University is actually situated on the outskirts of Notts whereas Manchester is right in the heart of the city.

Can anyone shed a bit of light on which one I should choose?


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Reply 1
You want to place the next few years of your life on what people on a random forum say?

Visit them yourself, that's the ONLY way you'll know which one you'd be happiest at.
Reply 2
That's a hard choice and I can sympathise with the choice you have to make...
Both unis have other unis (Trent and Metropolitan) near to a good social life is guaranteed from both.
Nottingham is a campus uni which many people prefer...

Did you visit them?
If not, it's not too late and I think it will be worth it because you'll be spending at least 3 years of your life there!! Get a feel for each place and see what you like...

Hope that helps!
Reply 3
I said Nott'm... but it's absolutely down to you, and your preference.
Reply 4
dude Nottingham economics is always ranked in the top 5 for economics, whereas Manchester has never ever been top 15.
Reply 5
dude Nottingham economics is always ranked in the top 5 for economics, whereas Manchester has never ever been top 15.

and rankings are sooo reliable arent they...:rolleyes:
Reply 6
I should point out that the Nottingham university campus is only a ten minute bus ride from the city centre, it'd cost you 6 quid in a cab. In fact, depending what bit of the campus you were situated on, you could even walk to the city centre in about half an hour. I wouldn't worry about the campus being far out :smile:

Also, the night life in Nottingham really is incredible. I think I read somewhere once that the city centre has the highest concentration of bars and clubs for the size of its city centre and population than anywhere else in the UK.

Don't get me wrong, I'm sure Manchester is amazing. It's just that you shouldn't dismiss Nottingham for its campus being far away from the city centre.
Reply 7
and rankings are sooo reliable arent they...:rolleyes:

Reply 8
and rankings are sooo reliable arent they...:rolleyes:

Well it is better to base your decision on league tables than random people on this forum.
Are the people who vote for manchester too embarassed to actually write a comment cos they know they are wrong? :smile: lol

Well I would say Nottingham... better job prospects, campus etc.

But make sure you visit the places before making a decision! They normally invite you to an open day after an offer is given.
well nottingham is quite a rough area so its probably a good thing the uni isnt in the city centre!!
well nottingham is quite a rough area so its probably a good thing the uni isnt in the city centre!!

I thought Manchester was even worse for crime. Maybe not gun crime though... just crime in general lol
I think that both are probably quite bad for crime, but i spose its like most cities, especially up north! :wink:
Reply 13
Why are some people so scared of crime? I doubt many Nottingham students have been murdered or shot.
Reply 14
i have mates at nottingham, and the campus life is great! I did a centurion in one of the halls. It's also excellent for economics.
Reply 15
Well it is better to base your decision on league tables than random people on this forum.

I can think of at least 5 unis that are better for economics than Nottingham and i'm sure that most, if not all economists who've actually know what they're talking about would agree
Reply 16
I think about 35% of Nottinham first year students got injured/killed as a result of crime last year.

Mate, you should choose Warwick if you get an offer!
Reply 17
i studied economics in manchester. its a good uni. as for overall rankings , both are on the same level so it wont make much of a difference. if your going on the 2001 data then nottingham is better but when i was in man they were expanding all social science departments so i dont think it will make much difference in about 4-5 years when your looking for work. depends what you want? campus vs city uni. i think you would need to visit them.
Reply 18
I can think of at least 5 unis that are better for economics than Nottingham and i'm sure that most, if not all economists who've actually know what they're talking about would agree

And how is that relevant to the question that the OP asked?:rolleyes:
Reply 19
From what i've heard the Nottingham eco department is really good.. also with the fact that it's a campus uni.. I would recommend Notts!

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