Please, please keep this anonymous...please?
I'm in my first serious relationship with my boyfriend at the moment, we've been going out properly, I would say, for about a month (got together a bit before that but we didn't see each other for a while). I really like him, and he's really into me, but I've told him I'm a virgin and I don't want to rush things.
Thing is, I'm 19, so I feel as if I shouldn't be, you know, so scared about it because it's high time it happened, and he's a bit older and a bit more experienced, and I just scared about the inevitable. I mean, he's in no way pressurizing me, we're touching each other and stuff but he's never rushed me. I feel as if the moment he does something I don't like, I can tell him not to and it'll be okay. But I think I will want to have sex with him soon, not yet, but in a little while, and I'm terrified. Because I haven't done it before. The main thing I'm worried about is that it'll hurt. I'm a bit of a wimp! And the second thing is that I'm worried he'll think I'm rubbish.
So please, reassure me? Girls, did your first time hurt? For those who lost their virginity in serious relationships, how long did you wait before you had sex for the first time?
Thanks for any advice!