The Student Room Group

Classics for clearing?

This is something that's becoming more and more appealing. I really regret not choosing Classics at first yet decided not to on strength of it's lack of vocational value since I really want to do Law and I've heard that the CPE is grossly expensive.

Quick question do any universities offer classics at clearing? are they ever any GOOD? I mean with regards to progressing onto a top tier uni for a conversion course and eventual masters in Law?

I don't have Latin post GCSE. Though I do still pick up text books and read poetry etc, mainly I practice recitation in order to improve my oratory.

If you can find a member called 'Drongo', you can ask him. He knows lots about clearing.

Reply 2
Thanks. Time to member stalk I see...
Reply 3
A lot of Classics graduates do move onto Law, so there's no problem there.

As for Universities that offer Classics, I know that Nottingham and Southampton were in Extra last year.
Extra's opened and there's loads left. Really top Unis such as Warwick, St Andrews, UCL and Kings are full, but I definately remember seeing places for Exeter, RHUL, Manchester, Reading, Leeds and plenty of other good Unis.
I'm doing Classics at Manchester in September; and hope to become a human rights barrister thereafter. I'd imagine that the law is quite a common career for Classics graduates.

I do not have an intimate knowledge of the Classics courses that go into Clearing, but I do know that the Manchester course will be available via Clearing. I also applied for Law first. However, I got into Manchester for Classics with UCAS Extra after deciding that I could not miss out on the opportunity to study the subject!