The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
Everyone I know got it last year! Some people didn't get too sick (just a bit of a sore throat, feeling achey, etc.) but some people (myself included :frown:) had to stay in bed for a couple of days. Just take painkillers or cold/flu remedies and suck lots of throat sweets - it doesn't tend to last for long.
Jenn xx
Reply 2
I have got flu at the moment and am moving into halls on Saturday, with freshers week starting on Monday...!! Here's hoping I am feeling better by then, otherwise I'm not gonna have a good time :frown:
Reply 3
how common is it for freshers to fa prey to all sorts of bugs during their freshers week? i've heard of the freshers flu, do students get it really bad if they get it?

i got 'freshers' flu the third week into the autumn term. it presents different symptoms in different people; i experienced headaches, chills and fatigue as well as photophobia.

symptoms can be very similar to meningitis so if you're ill make sure your hall-mates know about it and are there to check up on you. obviously this isn't as important if you only experience the cold-like symptoms such as a runny nose and sore throat.

it's pretty common as students from all over the country are thrown together and lots of cross infection can occur :wink:
Reply 4
We all had it on my course in first year. Its a combination of a lot of new people together and killing yourself with clubbing, lectures, drinking and not sleeping enough.
Reply 5
Im pretty worried about this freshers flu, iv got a minor cold at mo but being ill whilst meeting loads of people cant be a good idea for first impressions hehe! Does any one have any remedies, natural tablets that sort of thing which may boost my immune system for it??

thanx x
Reply 6
I'm immune to flu for some reason, never got it.
Reply 7
General advice

Start taking vitamin c, zinc and echinachea NOW so its in your system. Metatone tonic is good too. Check with your doctor if your already on medication that they wont interfere with anything.

Eat well and regularly. try having fruit in the morning too as this will up your vitamins and will also help a hangover. Cranberry juice is packed with vitamins and will help prevent bladder infections.

Before gong to bed drunk, drink a pint of water-this wil help prevent a hangover!

Drink lots of fluids (not alcohol!) Aim for 2 pints of water a day. Dehydration will live you open to bugs.

Sleep plenty-even if its a cat nap

Dont over do it. You dont have to do everything in freshers week.

Take paracetamol, ibuprofren, lozenges, cough syrup, tissues, decongestant and plenty of lemon and honey in case you do start feeling crap. Means you can lie in bed all day and feel better. In my year all my flatmates got in my room and we had a sleppover and watched naff movies. We bonded and shared tissues and paracetamol!

Have fun and remember to not over do it

Cries as she waves off the little freshers and she damns herself for being so old
Reply 8
I'm immune to flu for some reason, never got it.

Never say never! I remember telling my class in yr 8 that i'd never broken a bone in my body. 1 hour later i fractured my finger playing rounders! :tongue:
Reply 9
General advice

Start taking vitamin c, zinc and echinachea NOW so its in your system. Metatone tonic is good too. Check with your doctor if your already on medication that they wont interfere with anything.

Eat well and regularly. try having fruit in the morning too as this will up your vitamins and will also help a hangover. Cranberry juice is packed with vitamins and will help prevent bladder infections.

Before gong to bed drunk, drink a pint of water-this wil help prevent a hangover!

Drink lots of fluids (not alcohol!) Aim for 2 pints of water a day. Dehydration will live you open to bugs.

Sleep plenty-even if its a cat nap

Dont over do it. You dont have to do everything in freshers week.

Take paracetamol, ibuprofren, lozenges, cough syrup, tissues, decongestant and plenty of lemon and honey in case you do start feeling crap. Means you can lie in bed all day and feel better. In my year all my flatmates got in my room and we had a sleppover and watched naff movies. We bonded and shared tissues and paracetamol!

Have fun and remember to not over do it

Cries as she waves off the little freshers and she damns herself for being so old

Thanks Mum!
Reply 10
Take paracetamol, ibuprofren, lozenges, cough syrup, tissues, decongestant and plenty of lemon and honey

maybe you should be specific in saying not at all once :wink:
Reply 11
maybe you should be specific in saying not at all once :wink:

You could take them all at once-maybe not ingest the tissues though.......
Reply 12
freshers' flu, doesn't just happen in freshers' week.

Think about it, most people have imunity to the 'bugs' in their own enviroment but when you come into contact with a lot of peple from another area you will get theri bugs and they yours.

Anyone out there doing medicine will probably find they spend half their house officer year with colds and bugs but will probably neer get more tha a sniffle for the rest of their careers.
Reply 13
Never say never! I remember telling my class in yr 8 that i'd never broken a bone in my body. 1 hour later i fractured my finger playing rounders! :tongue:

I was moaning to my friends once that I was the only person in my family who hadn't had an operation. Next day I was in hospital with appendicitis :redface:

As for Freshers' flu, I got a sort of sniffly sore throat sort of thing, but that was probably more due to excess alcohol, lack of sleep and general manicness that did it. The real killer was getting glandular fever at the start of second term. It will probably happen to someone you know :tongue: and it was hell.
Reply 14
Ive just spent the last 2 weeks drinking about 30 units of alcohol a night, and averaging about 4 hours sleep a night, as well as drinking less than 1 litre of water a day(not bad in 30celsius weather) and only eating 2 meals a day. I also caught some herendous flu, got the shits, and some other illness, so I think my body is now fully prepared for what freshers week has to throw at me!
I already have flu :frown: so it will most definitely be getting spread around kings college, by ME! Haha.

It's not quite flu yet, but i've had a cough for about 2 weeks now and it's developed into a more achey, head ache, neck ache, sore throat kind of thing. Have to ignore it though as today's my last day at home and i need to pack!!
i've got a cold now too :frown: dunno where i got it from and it's one of those evil ones that stays for about 3 weeks and isn't serious but just enough to cause irritation and make you sneeze/cough at innappropriate moments :frown:
Reply 17
Reading about all these ill people about to go off to university and spread their germs around the student population is rather depressing... :frown:
Reply 18
everyone in my falt has freshers flu, we've just grouped together to have a pot of vitmain c in our kitchen and we all have to have our afternoon naps. no one is too bad yet though (but we do all look like death warmed up and i feel like i've been hit by a bus and have a permanant hangover)

lou xxx
Reply 19
get vaccinated and you should be ok the rest of the year... just watch out for the freshers 13 - the average amount of pounds you'll gain in weight in the first year :eek: From all those carbs, endless drinking and sitting around a lot lol.