General advice
Start taking vitamin c, zinc and echinachea NOW so its in your system. Metatone tonic is good too. Check with your doctor if your already on medication that they wont interfere with anything.
Eat well and regularly. try having fruit in the morning too as this will up your vitamins and will also help a hangover. Cranberry juice is packed with vitamins and will help prevent bladder infections.
Before gong to bed drunk, drink a pint of water-this wil help prevent a hangover!
Drink lots of fluids (not alcohol!) Aim for 2 pints of water a day. Dehydration will live you open to bugs.
Sleep plenty-even if its a cat nap
Dont over do it. You dont have to do everything in freshers week.
Take paracetamol, ibuprofren, lozenges, cough syrup, tissues, decongestant and plenty of lemon and honey in case you do start feeling crap. Means you can lie in bed all day and feel better. In my year all my flatmates got in my room and we had a sleppover and watched naff movies. We bonded and shared tissues and paracetamol!
Have fun and remember to not over do it
Cries as she waves off the little freshers and she damns herself for being so old