Hey guys,
I'll try not to make this post too long, but can't promise anything. Just want to get these feelings out really.
I'm a female, and I've recently (well 4 months ago) been broken up with. I was with my ex-girlfriend for over 3 years, and I'm not dealing with the break up well - feeling extremely down and lonely.
This girl was my first girlfriend, I came out when we got together, but everybody labelled us as lesbians just because of our same-sex relationship. I've always been more attracted to girls than guys, but since the break-up I've been feeling more like I want to meet guys/kiss guys/whatever else with guys.
I'm not sure if this is because I can't face being with another girl because I'm not over my ex yet (but still needing to feel love/affection), if it's because of my issues with men (baso daddy issues, attachment issues and the likes) and need for love/affection/attention and that guys are usually most available.
All my friends see me as gay, and I've identified as gay for such a long time that it makes me feel very anxious that I might actually be bisexual. I can't figure out whether I am bisexual, or whether wanting affection from guys is only related to my loneliness and other issues, as I don't think I'm attracted to them in the same way as I am girls, and I can't see myself settling with a guy but then I can't see that with anyone right now.
I know it shouldn't matter. I've always said love is love and you never know who you'll meet and what will happen, but these feelings are really getting me down.
Not sure what I really want to get from posting this, so thanks if you read. Any advice or support would be lovely.