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Cancer Support Society

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A housemate at university had cancer - she's all clear now thankfully :smile: - Perfectly heathy individual - anyone can get it


if we are going to make progress, one thing people shouldn't do is attack organisations such as Cancer Research UK for saying Obesity is the second biggest cause of cancer behind smoking (which it is), because it 'hurts their feelings.'

I mean what would you rather be: a little upset because someone has pointed it out or have cancer? That is the choice. Its weird as we don't hear smokers react and get upset in the same way towards campaigns aimed at them.
(edited 6 years ago)
Original post by Jack22031994
A housemate at university had cancer - she's all clear now thankfully :smile: - Perfectly heathy individual - anyone can get it


if we are going to make progress, one thing people shouldn't do is attack organisations such as Cancer Research UK for saying Obesity is the second biggest cause of cancer behind smoking (which it is), because it 'hurts their feelings.'

I mean what would you rather be: a little upset because someone has pointed it out or have cancer? That is the choice. Its weird as we don't hear smokers react and get upset in the same way towards campaigns aimed at them.

It's not helpful though, lots of people know they are overweight and are trying to do something about it. People who know they are overweight but don't do anything about it aren't going to be changed by someone telling them they are more likely to have health issues (which is common knowledge anyway). Same way you still see people smoking even with all those pictures and warnings on cigarette packets.
Original post by CoolCavy
It's not helpful though, lots of people know they are overweight and are trying to do something about it. People who know they are overweight but don't do anything about it aren't going to be changed by someone telling them they are more likely to have health issues (which is common knowledge anyway). Same way you still see people smoking even with all those pictures and warnings on cigarette packets.

My point was Cancer Research UK getting attacked for trying to do something good though. As I said, the campaigns aimed at smoking don't get anywhere near the same backlash because some people got upset as the recent CRUK one did aimed at Obesity.

And if you're going to do nothing about it, why get upset? and if you are then why get upset?
Original post by shadowdweller
It's definitely not fair, and I'm really sorry it's happened to him again :hugs:

What's the outlook like, can it be treated fully again?

Posted from TSR Mobile

Has to be surgery again but he’s worried they won’t do it due to his age as he’s 89
Original post by Jack22031994
My point was Cancer Research UK getting attacked for trying to do something good though. As I said, the campaigns aimed at smoking don't get anywhere near the same backlash because some people got upset as the recent CRUK one did aimed at Obesity.

And if you're going to do nothing about it, why get upset? and if you are then why get upset?

Because some people find it ridiculously hard to lose weight no matter what they do for reasons not entirely in their control. Those people don't need it pointed out on a bus shelter when they already feel **** about themselves and get ridiculed as it is.
We have had this conversation loads of times. Stuff like PCOS, antidepressants and antispyschotics can all have an effect on weight . Just because you personally find it easy to lose doesn't mean everyone does and everyone who doesn't lose weight isn't trying.
Original post by Pugglet
Has to be surgery again but he’s worried they won’t do it due to his age as he’s 89

Oh no, that can't be nice for him, or for you! If you want to talk about it, I'm around in here, or you can PM me anytime :redface:

Posted from TSR Mobile
As an aside, can we try and avoid debating in this thread as muxh as possible? I appreciate there's a lot to discuss, and plenty of divided opinions, but I think those would be better suited elsewhere :yep:

I'd like to try and keep this thread as somewhere people can find support, and keep it as welcoming as possible :smile:

Posted from TSR Mobile
Original post by CoolCavy
Because some people find it ridiculously hard to lose weight no matter what they do for reasons not entirely in their control. Those people don't need it pointed out on a bus shelter when they already feel **** about themselves and get ridiculed as it is.
We have had this conversation loads of times. Stuff like PCOS, antidepressants and antispyschotics can all have an effect on weight . Just because you personally find it easy to lose doesn't mean everyone does and everyone who doesn't lose weight isn't trying.

Yeah we have and I don't think we're going to agree really, and don't wan to fall out with you.
My parent (at the time perfectly fit and healthy and young) had cancer when I was little. Some of my first memories are of being torn away from them screaming because I didn't want to go.
They have been in remission a long time but makes me appreciate them more because I nearly didn't have them.
Original post by CoolCavy
Lots of healthy people get cancer, and cancer charities are massive, be grateful such well funded well known charities for cancer exist in the first place since it's not like that for a lot of other conditions.

Healthy as in going the gym daily with six packs and and stuff? even if theyre eating animal products theyre unhealthy loads of them end up dropping dead at 40 or 50 because of heart disease, charities are a buisness the owners make millions and mainly all of them are sponsered and given money by meat an dairy industry which products are proven to cause cancer 🤔 people with serious cancer have went plant based and got rid of the cancer all together so clearly these "charitys" arnt doing their job.
Original post by CoolCavy
My parent (at the time perfectly fit and healthy and young) had cancer when I was little. Some of my first memories are of being torn away from them screaming because I didn't want to go.
They have been in remission a long time but makes me appreciate them more because I nearly didn't have them.

Glad to hear they’ve been invited remission for a long time - I hope it continues for an even longer time too! It definitely helps you appreciate them more I think, because there’s more awareness of the idea of potentially losing them.
Update :
My grandad is having his surgery on Wednesday so I’m moving on to my grandparents house to look after my gran while he’s in hospital as she has Dementia and can’t be left alone.
I’m so worried but I know I need to stay strong for them and believe all will be okay because I don’t want to think about the alternative.
Original post by Pugglet
Update :
My grandad is having his surgery on Wednesday so I’m moving on to my grandparents house to look after my gran while he’s in hospital as she has Dementia and can’t be left alone.
I’m so worried but I know I need to stay strong for them and believe all will be okay because I don’t want to think about the alternative.

I hope the surgery goes well. :console:
My grandad is currently in hospice with terminal cancer. He was only diagnosed a month ago but has deteriorated so much. It's hard to watch.
Original post by Pugglet
Update :
My grandad is having his surgery on Wednesday so I’m moving on to my grandparents house to look after my gran while he’s in hospital as she has Dementia and can’t be left alone.
I’m so worried but I know I need to stay strong for them and believe all will be okay because I don’t want to think about the alternative.

I hope it all goes okay - here if you need to talk :hugs;
Original post by Pugglet
Update :
My grandad is having his surgery on Wednesday so I’m moving on to my grandparents house to look after my gran while he’s in hospital as she has Dementia and can’t be left alone.
I’m so worried but I know I need to stay strong for them and believe all will be okay because I don’t want to think about the alternative.

Hope it all goes well :hugs:
Surgery lasted 10hrs he’s made it out but appaz the Hospital don’t have a ward to put him in atm
Original post by Pugglet
Surgery lasted 10hrs he’s made it out but appaz the Hospital don’t have a ward to put him in atm

Glad he made it out, and hope they find a bed soon! :hugs:

When I had a stroke last year there I had to moved to the private ward bc there was no bed space available (which worked out good for me I guess), but if they didn't have the private ward there, there wouldn't of been one,
(edited 6 years ago)
Original post by Pugglet
Surgery lasted 10hrs he’s made it out but appaz the Hospital don’t have a ward to put him in atm

That's unfortunately not uncommon - they do usually find beds within a few hours though. Glad the surgery went ok!
Does anyone know how to cope with the loss of a loved one? My Nan died of cancer earlier on in the year who I was quite close to, and although I certainly feel better, I still think about it from time to time and feel upset. Anyone have any advice? Would be helpful .. x

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