The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I also want to know this i play piano (:
Reply 2
Erm, I personally don't but you could try Google if no one here knows or even go into the music department your self on campus and ask them.
Reply 3
I haven't heard of the Uni offering lessons (I very much doubt the Music Dept would - it's for research and degree-level teaching, not entry-level!), but individual students might. Try small ads.

Not many people know that Bowland has a piano practice room. Dunno if it's only for Bowland members, but it might be worth asking.
Reply 4

Not many people know that Bowland has a piano practice room. Dunno if it's only for Bowland members, but it might be worth asking.

Really? Where?
Reply 5
Ah that's interesting I didn't know that, thanks! I'll have to try and go find it lol!
If your looking for piano lessons and your serious about it you should go to the music dept and put your contact details on the notice board inside (there will be a sheet with music lessons on for piano just put them here) and if there is any vacancies the tutor will try and fit you in. Their policy is that you would have to see them at their home though but it may depend on what's easier for them as I'm not sure yet!

Reply 7
Hey, another option is to get in touch with the music society. Having been on the committee (and being a music student) i know how easy it is to email and have them send out an email on your behalf to all members of the society to find a pianist who wants to make some extra pocket money. There is even a non-departmental practice room. However, pianists usually get a tough deal in that if you ask the department as they like you to take on accompanying some music students for recitals as part of the deal. So my advice would be to do it quietly!
Reply 8
-- Dan
Really? Where?

Bowland Hall. It's near the Police Office (who knew that was there, either? :wink: ) - in fact, I suspect it is the Police Office, which the Police don't use very often.
Reply 9
There's a police office on campus? This campus has everything, I found out the other week it has a petrol station lol....
Reply 10
Bowland Hall. It's near the Police Office (who knew that was there, either? :wink: ) - in fact, I suspect it is the Police Office, which the Police don't use very often.

Oh i knew about the police office. It's next to a disbaled toilet isn't it? (If i'm right then that's impressive, i've not been up there since i lived in house 12 a couple of years ago) :wink:
Reply 11
What has that got to do with 'piano lessons on campus?'
Reply 12
In question to where the piano practice rooms are the answer...

Bowland Hall. It's near the Police Office

was given. Not hard to read up the page! Not as if it's 10 pages long
Reply 13
Ooooh I apologise. Sorry guys