The Student Room Group

Anyone at uni not know anyone for living arrangements in 2nd year?

Due to a really crappy first semester (long story, posted as anonymous in the various threads on university in the past few months) but now it's coming to people talking about their accommodation for next year. I don't really 'know' very many people at uni and certainly not in the leagues of doing things with them etc., and my flatmates are tolerable but I certainly don't want to live them. The tutorials that have started this year semester have some TRUELY wonderful people in them so I have some friends now, but obviously it would have been better that I met them in the first semester. Anyway what I'm basically getting at is that I hear of other people going "oh I don't want to live with her" and "those 2 guys are living with us" etc. and I just feel down that I don't know anyone to even THINK of talking about accommodation next year with. All I'm thinking of at the moment is just going into uni halls again next year (though taking a chance again with the people I get put with.) :s-smilie:
Reply 1
I'm staying in halls. I don't know anyone I'd want to live with. :P
Exactly where I am!

I don't know what to do either... I think I might well go for halls again if I can, but a different batch to the ones I'm in
Reply 3
Go private halls and request to be put with fellow 2nd years and make friends with them?
Reply 4
yeh im in private halls and my flat mates are wonderful! i couldnt risk moving in wit people who just end up messing things up

you can ask to live with 2nd yrs or 3rd yrs whichever year you're going to be in
Reply 5
MOve in with random second years needing a plus one!
Reply 6
Why don't u go see some places where people are looking for a housemate? There are loads. That is what I did. I found some really nice people and the houses is really nice. I'd prefer to live with nice strangers that people I've known for a while but aren't sure about.
Reply 7
Because if I don't feel comfortable with them now, what is going to change in the 2nd year. Nothing. So I thought, I'm leaving them. I'm sure they don't even care.
I had exactly the same problem in my first year... another long story! I did manage to find some random people (a friend and then a couple of his friends) but we left looking for houses late so didn't get a nice one...

My uni does sessions where odd people looking for housemates/ppl looking for others to fill an empty room can meet up and try and arrange things :smile:

Alternatively you could get really drunk to pluck up the courage to ask people if you can live with them, like one of my friends lol. Or just find a group of 3/4 and ask if you can tag along :smile:

The uni aren't gonna let you go homeless, so if necessary I'm sure you could move back into halls if you can't find anywhere :smile:
Reply 9
Anyone else in the same situation?
Reply 10
MOve in with random second years needing a plus one!

^^ That. I moved in with randomers I didn't know for my second year and it worked out great - I left the house at the end of the year with 4 new friends :smile:
Reply 11
I'm just staying in halls with two of the people I live with at the moment, I didn't fancy a house. Yeah moving in with other 2nd years would be fine, a great way to make new friends as well :smile: That's what I would have been doing if no one else was staying
I was in that situation. I posted on the student guild site and various other websites and now I've found some lovely people. You could live on your own but it'll be expensive.
My plan is to find some random people to move in with. At least it'll save me the hassle of finding a flat etc. I don't really have anyone to look for a house with...
do as other people have said - find a house searching for a plus one =]
Like my house for next year in loughborough, we're advertising and have had a couple of people interested just because 2 people dropped out of our house & uni =]

Don't be 'scared' of the people in the house you'd be moving into - they'll often be more than happy to see you and have you move in as it means they wont have to be paying extra rent =]

AND they could end up being new great friends of yours - as one of those plus ones is for me already - found out shes in a couple of my modules at uni!
BUMP! I'm in this situation now... gonna have to look for a +1.
I do but I know loads of boys that have no idea where they are living next year.
Reply 17
Dont worry about it. Just a slong a syou can live together that is all that matters. Try student forums.