The Student Room Group

What's it like in Coventry?

Basically, I was at the Warwick Uni Open Day in September, and it was a bit of a mess from what I saw. Maybes I went through a bit of a dodgy part in the car? Who knows. Anyways, could anybody tell me what it's like living in Coventry? I mean...after my 1st year, I'll have to live out with my friends, so I'd like to know what I'm letting myself in for in terms of where I could end up having to stay.

Thanks in advance guys!:biggrin:

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Yeah, like many cities it can be messy in parts, but it has a really bad rep. from outside the city. However, when you live there you love it.

It's quite a small place but it's great fun and really friendly. Also, for all your needs Birmingham is 10mins away on a train.

I lived there for 3 years and adored it. I was really sad to leave. A lot of my friends stayed close by moving to Leamington Spa, a place dominated by Warwick students. Other than that people often move into Earlsdon/Coundon after their 1st years, both are really really nice suburbs with some really nice housing.

I think you'll love it.
Reply 2
never ask any one whos was born in coventry that lol. for instance id say yer its alright bit crap really but ive been here too long lol.

theyve done a lot recently to renovate the city centre so theres a lot of old prefab concrete with stuff that avoided the WWII bombings and mixed in is a lot of modern buildings now. i dunno i like here, shame the uni can be a bit iffy

though if youre looking for graphics, photography that sort of thing, coventry is one of the best in the country for it
never ask any one whos alway lived in coventry that lol. for instance id say yer its alright bit crap really but ive been here too long lol.

I think Coventry residents don't see the student scene as much and therefore dislike the place. I don't really think it's relevant, even less so to a Warwick student.
Reply 4
Yes you should check out Leamington Spa as well. I spent 2 years there and more students there than in Coventry.
Coventry is fine, much like a lot of cities if you stay in the nice areas. Earsldon is fairly close and quite nice (also close to large park), with students and some lecturers living there. Other decent areas on the same side of town are Cheylesmore and Finham. Leamington spa is a great little town and Kenilworth is nice also (quiet though) but further from the uni.
Reply 6
To be honest it has it's good and bad parts like anywhere else. I'd say I prefer Leamington in terms of area and things to do, plus with the uni bus going every 10 minutes it isn't exactly difficult to get to the uni. But some parts of Coventry are okay, it isn't all rough.
Reply 7
You'll quite likely find yourself living in Leamington Spa rather than Coventry (which is a few miles south of the campus, rather than north-east), which is generally a pretty nice town with plenty of bars and a couple of clubs. Coventry still has enough going for it though - like campus it isn't the most attractive of places but entertainment-wise you're still sorted (taxis from Cov to campus are around £20 and to Leamington £30, so split between several of you that's not unreasonable). And Birmingham is really easy as a day trip, and has a really good Oceana for the occasional night out.
Reply 8

One of my friends is going to Warwick and I'm going to Birmingham. For our second year, would it be practical to rent a flat like half way between both uni's? Has anyone heard of that happening?!

Reply 9
Cov is wonderful (I'm a Cov Uni student myself!)! It's just small enough to be cosy, but big enough to be the city I've always wanted to live in (country born and bred). The nightlife is OK, but a lot of the buildings are 60's designed so it's not a pretty city. Everything is close by and it's quite a safe city too.
Lots of choice for housing in your second year :smile:

EDIT: The only problem you might have is Cov uni students singing songs about Warwick students. But you lot give as good as you get anyway...
Reply 10

One of my friends is going to Warwick and I'm going to Birmingham. For our second year, would it be practical to rent a flat like half way between both uni's? Has anyone heard of that happening?!


No and No.
Reply 11
I think Coventry residents don't see the student scene as much and therefore dislike the place. I don't really think it's relevant, even less so to a Warwick student.

im a coventry student as well as being born here :wink: i see all the nightlife the student side of things, generally its a bit samey lol
Reply 12
Ive been living here all my life. Its an absolute doss pit. There is no where good to go out (other than the colly sometimes if your lucky) and the place is full of dirty scumbag chavs. I can't wait to leave. Why anyone would want to come here is beyond me.
Reply 13

One of my friends is going to Warwick and I'm going to Birmingham. For our second year, would it be practical to rent a flat like half way between both uni's? Has anyone heard of that happening?!


Wouldn't advise it really, but I suppose if you were to get a place in Coventry relatively near the train station it might actually work. Coventry would be the best bet on the grounds that to get to Birmingham's campus would take about 40 minutes by train (allowing for changes) and to get to Warwick's about 20 minutes by bus. Trying to go somewhere halfway between geographically wouldn't work, as there are no train stops between Coventry and Birmingham (other than Birmingham International, which I'm guessing doesn't have student accommodation nearby).
Reply 14
As fast as I'm aware, a huge majority of Warwick students live in Leam for their second and third years. Which is much nicer :smile:
Reply 15
As fast as I'm aware, a huge majority of Warwick students live in Leam for their second and third years. Which is much nicer :smile:

exactly, there are very few people living incoventry when compared to the amount of students in leamington - and leamington it very nice
I think Coventry residents don't see the student scene as much and therefore dislike the place. I don't really think it's relevant, even less so to a Warwick student.

I agree entirely. Cov is ok, but leam is much more student geared. For example I can walk into say Robins Well in leam and 95% ill see someone I know, i go to cov Varsity or whatever, its highly, highly unlikely. Besides my housemate got mugged outside our house in cov and my car has already been broken into :frown:
I agree entirely. Cov is ok, but leam is much more student geared. For example I can walk into say Robins Well in leam and 95% ill see someone I know, i go to cov Varsity or whatever, its highly, highly unlikely. Besides my housemate got mugged outside our house in cov and my car has already been broken into :frown:

Coventry city = Coventry Uni Students

Leamington = Warwick Students

A generalisation, but it's pretty close. Doesn't mean either places are any better or more friendly or more 'studenty'.
Reply 18
Personally I prefer Cov for nightlife, much much better than Leam IMHO, but each to their own. Cov students arnt that much of an issue, some are alot friendlier and entertaing than the Warwick lot. Probs live in Leam tho next year, even though tbh I am beginning to wonder why especiallly when some best mates signed for a house in Earlsdon.
Reply 19
Ive been living here all my life. Its an absolute doss pit. There is no where good to go out (other than the colly sometimes if your lucky) and the place is full of dirty scumbag chavs. I can't wait to leave. Why anyone would want to come here is beyond me.

Why woukld you like cov if uve lived there all ur life!?! i cant stand my home town everyone gets bored of where ur from. Hence why i moved far away to go uni. And u probs dont go out on right nights. The colly is mainly students on a monday and rammed! The queue was right around the corner last week! I have never met a chav in Cov the people I know here are all students and love it here! most of the nights we go out u cant get in if u dont hav ur student card so the clubs r full of students during the week. I love it. As far as I can see lived in halls with freshers met awesome people and hav loved it since!! u probs live on the outskirts.