The Student Room Group
What were you drinking and how much did you have to eat before you went out??
Reply 2
Sounds like alcoholic poisoning, which can only be from drinking too much. How much EXACTLY do you consider not a lot? I've spoken to people before (mostly girls, to be fair) who think normal drinking is actually an amount which they are lucky didn't hospitalise them.
Reply 3
or could be like, something with your stomach? acid-sciencey stuff?

sorry, not a science person, just a thought :smile:
Reply 4
this is probably going to sound a bit odd, but recently when i drink, even if its not that much and im not especially drunk, i get the most awful tummy ache and end up throwing up, i wouldnt mind if had drunk copious amounts because i would deserve it lol this never used to happen so im a bit confused, has anyone else had this or got any thoughts?

Throwing up after relatively small amounts of alcohol is usually a sign of an empty stomach. Of course, it does depend on what you consider small amounts, as already posted :p:
I think that it really does depend upon what you are drinking - for example, one shot of vodka or tequila will give me the same symptoms but I can drink apple sours all night and be fine.
Reply 6
It depends on how much you're drinking! Please specify what and how much.

My friend has an alcohol intolerance, which he gets from a minute amount so he steers clear.

Could there be other causes for your stomach ache/vomitting? Dodgy food? Empty stomach? Eating after alcohol?
Reply 7
this is a natural reaction to spirits and may also probably be the cause of not eating enough before you drink x
Depends on how much you drink, how full your stomach is etc. Its possible that you may have something like a stomach ulcer.
Reply 9
Make sure you're not drinking on an empty stomach because that REALLY affects the amount you can handle. If you haven't eaten for a few hours then halve the mount you would normally drink..
I went through a phase where that used to happen to me. Basically I'd made myself ill from so much drink so many times before my body just wouldnt tolerate any more alcohol.

After a few months barely drinking I was back to how I was before though. Maybe you could just give yourself a break for a bit and see how it goes?
As others have said could be due to what you are drinking.

Could be a slight allergy to ingredients, ie wheat alergy with beer.
The only time I've been violently ill after not a lot of alcohol was when I had 2 baileys and butterscotch shots followed by about 3 vodka and lemonades. Ugh, never again, baileys bloody curdles your stomach ewwww.....
I usually drink most nights; sometimes a can of cider or two and other times about 3/4/5 glasses of vodka and coke. I don't paticularly want to drink much but I get upset and panic about not sleeping, thus I drink to relax myself.

I wish that the alcohol limit thing was explained better. People don't understand what 10, 20 or 30 units means when they're holding a pint.
this is strange. i had a glass of wine after dinner (something ive eaten before with no reaction, and i wasnt too full) and i felt so ill and i threw up that i stayed away from alcohol since.
Reply 15
Make sure you're not drinking on an empty stomach because that REALLY affects the amount you can handle. If you haven't eaten for a few hours then halve the mount you would normally drink..

Which I learnt the hard way twice.:redface: Actually, I just felt dizzy (drunk?) and didn't throw up.

Also, don't mix drinks either.
Does anyone experience shaking while 'intoxicated'?
I didn't throw up or anything, wasn't wasted or anything, just a bit drunk but I was shaking a little bit, like everywhere and I wasn't cold or anything.
Maybe you have a weak stomach? I have IBS type problems and I've had a bad stomach sometimes when drinking.
Reply 18
Which I learnt the hard way twice.:redface: Actually, I just felt dizzy (drunk?) and didn't throw up.

Also, don't mix drinks either.

Lol.. I always learn my lessons the hard way, but its the best way because you generally don't make them again! If you do start feeling sick from alcohol when you haven't eaten much then the best thing to do is eat something plain and starchy like bread, pasta or cereal, cos it soaks up the alcohol in you stomach meaning it gets absorbed into your blood at a slower rate and hopefully you won't chuck up! And obviously not mixing drinks but thats obvious.
Hey, this is old I know but I just found this thread, and over these past few months or so I've started getting exactly what you described. I've tried all manner of things, like not eating, eating loads, eating just a bit and then waiting an hour and so forth..
I was wondering if you've found a solution or whether it just stopped happening, or if you've had to give up drinking all together?