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GCSE Triple Science? Good/Bad?

Anyone know the grade boundaries for triple science?

I know us year 11's haven't sat the triple exams yet but I'm impatient and I want to know how well I'm going to have to do to get A or A*
*fingers crossed*

How is everyone finding the triple science?...:smile:

BTW - Just wanted to ask, for medicine.. Do they take preference over triple science as aposed to double. I am aware some schools don't offer triple so wouldn't that be unfair?

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I don't do triple science. I do biology and chemistry seperate (no physics ;yay:wink:.
I don't think they take preference for those people. It just is better for people to take triple science because the transition to alevels is much smoother as they obviously know more detail.
Reply 2
Yeh I see but I guess 3 GCSE's are better than 2 in science!
Yeh I see but I guess 3 GCSE's are better than 2 in science!

Depends on the grade :p:

QPRLover, did you have any choice in whether you wanted to do physics or not?
Reply 4
Medical school never mention the triple science being better than double. All I have seen is they require minimum of B in maths, science (If single award minimum A) and english. The only advantage is you'll get 3 GCSE grades rather than two.
Reply 5
I'm not really sure, but I think the grade boundarys will be something like:
Biology & Chem - 80% A*, 70% A
Physics -70% A*, 60% A

That's what they were for my mocks anyway.
Reply 6
I'm not really sure, but I think the grade boundarys will be something like:
Biology & Chem - 80% A*, 70% A
Physics -70% A*, 60% A

That's what they were for my mocks anyway.

80% seems a bit high :confused:
I did only Chemistry at GCSE.

The choice of triple science was there...but I loved Chemistry to bits and Biology or Physics didn't really appeal.

It was bloody hard though. <_<
Glutamic Acid
Depends on the grade :p:

QPRLover, did you have any choice in whether you wanted to do physics or not?

Yes, I did. :smile:
i dont get why you need to know the grade boundaries... knowing what they are isn;t going to affect your performance in the exam, surely you should just do the best you can!

and the grade boundaries are going to depend on the exam board, and will vary slightly for each individual paper... the easiest way to find out is probably to just ask you teacher
:D QPRlover
Yes, I did. :smile:

Ah, that's not too bad then. Although it does make it rather difficult to do A Level Physics.
Reply 11
Yeh I guess so. I'm just wanting to know if i should drop to double so I can get AA because i don't want my triple to end up BBB..

Haven't done that well in core and additional as it is, i'm on an overal B so I wanna know can i push it up to an A if i do better in triple exams?! :?
Reply 12
i'm going to do triple science :biggrin:

what advantages does it exactly have?
Okay, DO NOT do what I think is called linear triple science- basically where you take one exam for each subject at the end of the two GCSE years. It's hellish, since everything rides on how well you do in just the one exam for each subject, and the pressure is much more immense than modular triple science.

If you're doing modular, then I wholeheartedly endorse it, especially if you plan on doing science-y A-levels or even degree. It is a step up from double, but it is worth it because then the step up from GCSE to A-level, although still quite large, isn't as daunting.

Of course, if you're going to do worse in triple than in double by a large amount, then perhaps it is best to do double. Personally, I was predicted two A*'s and a A at triple, but just ended up with straight A's. I know this is still okay, but I think I'd prefer to have two A*'s instead. Then again, doing physics A-level is easier for us girls that did triple than for the guys who only did double, since we did seem to cover a fair portion more.

Meh, it all depends. Sorry if that wasn't helpful. :P
unfortunately i didn't get triple scinece bu the advatage is that lets say:

ur not so good at chemistry and u get a B,

but u can make up for it becasue u could get an A* in physics and bilogy

but with double science, becasue the paper is a mixture of chemistry physics, bilogy and chemistry if you are not so good at one of them then it can have an effect on your overall score. triple science is much better but ofcourse it means u don't get another option choice!
Reply 15
Declan 06
i'm going to do triple science :biggrin:

what advantages does it exactly have?

to be quite honest it doesn't really have much it's just more work! It touches on the basics or something you may learn at A level that's really the only help.
If some schools do not offer triple science, the students would not be put at a disadvantage, providing their AS Level results were up to scratch!

However, my schools says that if you want to do even one of the sciences at AS Level, you'll be better off doing separate science. Many people at my school who are doing dual award at the moment, and who want to take bio & chem next year for medicine, have to catch up during the summer and will be provided work by school.

I'm so glad i did separate sciences! I'm finding it challenging, but in a good way! I loathe physics though, it definitely is my worst science.
Reply 17
unfortunately i didn't get triple scinece bu the advatage is that lets say:

ur not so good at chemistry and u get a B,

but u can make up for it becasue u could get an A* in physics and bilogy

but with double science, becasue the paper is a mixture of chemistry physics, bilogy and chemistry if you are not so good at one of them then it can have an effect on your overall score. triple science is much better but ofcourse it means u don't get another option choice!

thats totally right, I can't believe that's only just dawned on me now you said it like that and I been doing triple for 2 years! LOL
I'm sure for dual science you still do 3 papers in Chemistry, Biology & Physics, but the content is less. But yeah, if you aren't good at one it will have an effect on the other.
80% seems a bit high :confused:


its 75% for an A

85% for an A*