Sorry if there's been threads on this before
Do you think, if a girl goes out clubbing, perhaps wearing a short skirt or lowish top, she is asking to be felt up? Maybe not even if wearing provocative clothes - just normal? I only ask because where I'm at uni, it seems that in all of our clubs the guys seem to think they can just walk up to a girl and grope her, and she won't mind.
I don't really drink, especially not in clubs (just don't like being out and drunk) but I do love to dance, so do go out quite a bit. Usually the group of friends I go with often pull random people (which I don't have a problem with) but it does mean I either dance by myself or have to find someone to dance with - but this really shouldn't the impression that I'm out on the pull! And yes - sometimes I do wear short skirts / sexy clothes out - because I like to, and it makes it more like night out!
I'm not really looking for a solution to this, as drunk boys will be drunk boys - but just the question - by going out to a club and dancing, do you think a girl can complain if she ends up getting groped?