The Student Room Group

Being felt up in clubs

Sorry if there's been threads on this before

Do you think, if a girl goes out clubbing, perhaps wearing a short skirt or lowish top, she is asking to be felt up? Maybe not even if wearing provocative clothes - just normal? I only ask because where I'm at uni, it seems that in all of our clubs the guys seem to think they can just walk up to a girl and grope her, and she won't mind.

I don't really drink, especially not in clubs (just don't like being out and drunk) but I do love to dance, so do go out quite a bit. Usually the group of friends I go with often pull random people (which I don't have a problem with) but it does mean I either dance by myself or have to find someone to dance with - but this really shouldn't the impression that I'm out on the pull! And yes - sometimes I do wear short skirts / sexy clothes out - because I like to, and it makes it more like night out!

I'm not really looking for a solution to this, as drunk boys will be drunk boys - but just the question - by going out to a club and dancing, do you think a girl can complain if she ends up getting groped?

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I tend not to mind when it's boobs and bum - so long as they don't try anything worse. Plus, I'm usually too drunk to notice lol :biggrin:

I have slapped a couple of lads before for being a bit too forward. I don't think that just because a girl decides to look nice, it gives lads the right to cop a feel - I certainly don't dress up for random strangers.
Reply 2
Erm even when I am in a t shirt and jeans I sometimes get guys grabbing my derriere and they do not even try to hide it. For some strange reason it has happened with guys of a different race to myself :confused:

Some guys will grope regardless of the situation I guess :confused:

I havent felt threatened by it though
Reply 3
well last time I was out in Blackpool..I was being harassed by this guy. I repeatedly told him I had a bf...then on the dance floor he tried to feel me up, I told him to '**** off' he tried it I punched him in the face...

I got chucked out the club, and the lad who I hit, came out and was like 'omg it was so hot when you punched me'

He just didn't get it :/

I was wearing skinny jeans and a black tshirt...if that makes any difference.
Reply 4
Erm even when I am in a t shirt and jeans I sometimes get guys grabbing my derriere and they do not even try to hide it. For some strange reason it has happened with guys of a different race to myself :confused:

Some guys will grope regardless of the situation I guess :confused:

I havent felt threatened by it though

What does race have to do with it?
Used to happen to me when I went to clubs, did not like it one bit. I don't get why guys think they can do this, even more so attempt to push girls against walls and force themselves on them. I'm pretty big I can generally push them off but I wouldn't want to be short and small.

I agree with Rokit, it does tend to be guys of a different race to me as well, perhaps it what they do in their country? I don't know the reason for it.
Reply 6
I am seriously confused, what does race have to do with any of this? If a man is a pervert, he is a pervert cos he is a pervert-NOT because of the colour of his skin.
I personally would not even have the balls to feel up a random girl if though I really liked her. Unless, of course, she was very slutty but by this time I would have moved on.
Reply 8
well last time I was out in Blackpool..I was being harassed by this guy. I repeatedly told him I had a bf...then on the dance floor he tried to feel me up, I told him to '**** off' he tried it I punched him in the face...

I got chucked out the club, and the lad who I hit, came out and was like 'omg it was so hot when you punched me'

He just didn't get it :/

I was wearing skinny jeans and a black tshirt...if that makes any difference.

That was kind of funny. But not so funny was the bouncers throwing you out too with the guy. What if the guy was a real sex offender?? Dumb asses

Angelpie I am a black female and I find that certain races from certain countries tend to do it the most
Reply 9
I am seriously confused, what does race have to do with any of this? If a man is a pervert, he is a pervert cos he is a pervert-NOT because of the colour of his skin.

Alright calm down. It is an observation. Some nationalities are more comfortable doing it as opposed to others
Reply 10
That was kind of funny. But not so funny was the bouncers throwing you out too with the guy. What if the guy was a real sex offender?? Dumb asses

Angelpie I am a black female and I find that certain races from certain countries tend to do it the most

I dunno, im a black female too and ive seen it with all men i must say-some men are just sleazy-maybe it is some kind of custom :s-smilie:
TBH in my view women are not there to be misused or gropped in anyway. I have a gf and i never abuse my right as a man. Before i went out with her, i would never do any of the latter. I think its really sad how men think because your at a club with very attractive girls, doesn't mean it is a time to get a quick one in. Treat ladies like humans not animals.
well if you are wearing short skirts and stuff u are obviosly looking for some attention and if a guy gropes you , you should take it as a indirect compliment they dont mean to seem rude its just how it is i suppose....
just because she wants attention doesnt mean that she wants to be felt up. there are more ways of giving attention that doesn't involve groping, like conversation for example...
just because she wants attention doesnt mean that she wants to be felt up. there are more ways of giving attention that doesn't involve groping, like conversation for example...

Precisely. What ever happened to good old talking and a dance.
Reply 15

well if you are wearing short skirts and stuff u are obviosly looking for some attention and if a guy gropes you , you should take it as a indirect compliment they dont mean to seem rude its just how it is i suppose....

did your mother never tell you to look and not touch?
I am seriously confused, what does race have to do with any of this? If a man is a pervert, he is a pervert cos he is a pervert-NOT because of the colour of his skin.

yea, but what she was trying to say is that maybe that guy does this sort of thing because its the sort of thing they do in their country. i mean latino's generally are dirtier when dancing. thats just an example though. and no offense to latino's, it's their style so its cool.
also, arabs and such tend to be sexually frustrated also making them more agressive when approaching women.

i sound like a racist but i'm not, i'm just racially open minded since i'm mixed race anonymous or not to anonymous?
how many people do you know that can have a civilised conversation when drunk???
Reply 18
I dont think it has anything to do with what a girl wears. A woman has every right to wear what she wants without being harassed. But, I do think it has something to do with the way they carry themselves. Unless a girl is proper buttas at some point shes gonna get felt up-that doesnt make it okay though-its not right. Btw when i say the way they carry themselves for example does anyone remember big brother 7 with Aisleyne and Imogen? They both walked around wearing practically nothing but Imogen never had issues like Aisleyne with Spiral disrespecting her. Something about Imogen commanded respect-funny how she was the one with the sex tape lol :biggrin:
Reply 19
Hmm..Got groped like nobodies business clubbing in portugal! Lulz. Didnt bother me too much..just walked away if it got annoying, but wasnt exactly "asking for it". Thats just like saying she was in a short skirt, so was asking to be raped. o.0