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Reply 40
Came across a couple more courses in clearing

aero HJ45
Info systems GH56 HG65 HG6M
Management Studies H6N2 J5N2 J5NF
Materials Eng BJ95 HJ45 J526 J5N2 J5NF JF52 JFM2
Reply 41
Materials really is undersubscribed, isn't it!
Came across a couple more courses in clearing

aero HJ45
Info systems GH56 HG65 HG6M
Management Studies H6N2 J5N2 J5NF
Materials Eng BJ95 HJ45 J526 J5N2 J5NF JF52 JFM2

surprised about Aero, but otherwise no real surprises.
HJ45 is aerospace materials so thats also a materials course
Reply 44
Haha, those material scientists have it easy with applications, eh? :p:
Reply 45
It's still tough to get in!

Applied to Imperial for Computing! Bring on the nerdiness till exams! lol.
Reply 46
Hey, you've gone and done it WokSz! Best of luck with that.
Reply 47
Hehe Thanks so much Drongo! I really hope I get an offer because I really love the course and absolutely love the College! I went to see it a few weeks back and it's absolutely amazing!
Reply 48
Drongo where do you get your information clearing courses available at Imperial, and how accurate are they?
Reply 49
I got into Imperial for Computing through 'Extra'. They're asking me for 4A's if you include the Maths I did last uear though
When I peeked last year (after results), I did see a few courses on clearing. I'm not sure if I saw computing but I saw other stuff like archeology and stuff. I remember UCL not being in clearing at all but Imperial was, which suprised me.

When will ucas be available to allow you to check clearing?

Edit: Never mind...I got my answer,
A list of vacancies will be displayed on this site from Tuesday 5 August (Scottish vacancies only) and Thursday 14 August (all vacancies) until Friday 12 September. Vacancy listings will be updated continually throughout the Clearing period.
Again all the crap courses which no one wants to do will be in clearing nothing particular about that.
Reply 52
Warwick Physics made clearing? :eek:

Not suprised.

They gave me an offer without interview ¬¬ if that's what they did to everyone then I am not suprised many people didn't make AAB offer and ended up in clearings.
Reply 53
if anyone wants to know my friend applied to mec eng and missed his grades but it seems eee was in clearing as he got accepted for that course instead.
if anyone wants to know my friend applied to mec eng and missed his grades but it seems eee was in clearing as he got accepted for that course instead.

What grades did he have?