The Student Room Group

What is the female equivalent of 'sausage fest' ?

I've heard a lot, and a few friends (male friends) were wondering last night. For the life of me I couldn't think of any that were that good so I didn't open my mouth about it, but... what would you lot think? This isn't meant to be rude at all, it's just general banter that's probably been had a million times in your livingroom.

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Reply 1
fish fest
Reply 2
IS there one??
Reply 3
... and where can we find them? :p:
Reply 4
fish fest

I KNEW someone was gonna say this lol:p:
Reply 5
Weight Watcher's meetings?

Girls don't really exist. They're just photoshopped.
Beef Curtain fest.
Reply 9
Girls don't really exist. They're just photoshopped.


The reflections are all wrong
Well, the one my cousin came up with was 'Fanny Fest', but it just made me laugh more than anything else, much like the ones suggested here. There really has to be a term though...
Reply 11
..Northern Soul
Beef Curtain fest.

OMG, I was about to mention the beef curtains.
There is no such thing of a female equivalent to sausage fest this is because it has never occurred ever in the history of the Earth. Sausages always seem to weasel their way in.

Fish fest, heavenly...
Master Polhem

I would have to agree.
Reply 14
minge marathon
There is no such thing of a female equivalent to sausage fest this is because it has never occurred ever in the history of the Earth. Sausages always seem to weasel their way in.

Lies. :P

Apparently, the Last Supper was deemed the very first Sausage Fest.
fish bowl
Reply 17
'Cillit Bang' popped into my head. One too many 'l's to catch on maybe.
Reply 19
Taco Fest!