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If you only got 74% at Foundation it may be a bad idea, but intermediate might work for you. :smile:

hmmm... why do they have 3 different papers in Maths and only 2 in every other subject?
What's the highest grade you can get on the foundation paper?
Reply 3
The higher paper goes from D-A* these days with 60% needed (roughly) for a B grade.
15% of the papers marks are A*, 15% A and I can't remember the other percents but there's a fair amount of C/D grade stuff seen as they got rid of the intermediate tier.
Reply 4
the highest grade is a C which is quite sad and i did get the c in the mocks
Reply 5
Hmm. I think it may be a good idea to go for it.
Reply 7
It's definately worth trying :smile: go through all the papers that exist for the new two tier specification, see how you do.
Reply 8
thanks for that yeah im not sure if my grade was good enough to go forward and it the higher paper but the mocks were only a couple of months into the school year and i did manage to catch up then so i think im quite of a quick learner...however like you said there is a lot to learn ...i will see how the next couple of weeks go in this class and then decide.. as sometimes im sat there and others are struggling with the work yet i know it yet theres other times when i dont know something myself and im like oh!! but thte worst thing is my teacher is great and i only wished she taught higher instead of foundation as shes really approachable and very explanative,

i will get the c/w over with then decide as what has happened in my class some people have come down from higher into foundation as they struggle with higher and they did bad in their english exam so if they were in the higher class all that time sometimes i look at them and think i should have been there

they got rid of the intermediate tier.

When? :s-smilie: This year? I only did mine last year and they still has it then.
Reply 10
I was put into the second highest maths group in my school (even though I kicked up a fuss about it because I hate/am bad at maths) but they ignored me and put me in for the higher paper. I was predicted a C, but I decided to knuckle down and revise, and I ended up with a B overall.

So long as you revise a lot, and talk to your teacher about anything you're unsure of, the higher paper isn't that bad. If you know the stuff it's fairly easy to get through.
When? :s-smilie: This year? I only did mine last year and they still has it then.

yes this year. .
Reply 12
yes they scrapped it this year so unlucky so unfair :smile:
Reply 13
Reply 14
yes i think so too as long as i revise which i definantly will do who knows but i still get scared of the thought of coming out with a lower grade for something i really wanted to get a high grade in for the future etc.

I was scared of that too. I did the intermediate and higher paper (because we had to do both, the lower groups did the lower and intermediate papers) so as long as you did well on the intermediate then you could get at least a C, and then try and do well in the higher paper.. but if they've scrapped intermediate I don't know how they're doing it now:s-smilie:
Reply 15
Reply 16
If you only got 74% at Foundation it may be a bad idea, but intermediate might work for you. :smile:

hmmm... why do they have 3 different papers in Maths and only 2 in every other subject?

They don't do the intermediate any more do they? Just the higher and foundation.
Reply 17
i really dunno (what the enlgih had to do with it)just how the school works prbably ......thnks no ofcourrse i dont resent them like you sed more places for me yeh i will see how it goes thnx ..

I am in the same position as you. I got a C in the foundation paper but in the real GCSE I'm taking the higher. I know it will be hard but it just needs the effort. If you think you can do it go for it. I'm going to revise hard (but not too much), go to maths club whenever it is on and crack on with the harder questions in class. I have a maths higher revision disc which is really helpful and is almost as good, if not better than my maths teacher!

Good luck if you're going to do the higher!
Reply 18
I'd say that your school knows best. If you'd had something like 90% in your mock perhaps moving up to higher tier would be an idea but if you've been in foundation so far you won't have been taught all the higher tier stuff and at this point in your gcses there isn't much time to learn it.
whilst you love maths, there is the other side that if you wanted to take it at a level you may struggle having been in foundation and not being used to a somewhat faster pace of learning.
i can somewhat relate to you in that i took my gcses with only year 11's teaching, and so i missed out all of year 10's teaching. i was lucky enough to be in a position in september of year 11 to get a tutor for maths because i've always been good at it and i was worried i wouldnt have time to catch up. i wanted to stay with a specific teacher so i was put in the lowest group for higher tier in my school. nobody worked and when we were taught it was very slow and simple for the people that were aiming lower than i was. when i got to a level all my classmates were in group 2 if they'd messed up and got an A rather than an a* and group 3 and being in group five had not prepared me for the pace of a level. thankfully my teachers helped me greatly but teachers wont always do that or have time. im rambling. does that make any sense? having been in the lowest higher group i found it a bit of a struggle at first but if youve been in foundation then i'd imagine there's a bigger struggle.
Reply 19
Yeah, that's right! I bought it for 3 quid off my teacher and it's the best disc (for maths revision that is) I've bought! The woman's voice is a bit tedious but once you've got past that it's really good!:smile:

Yeah, thanks for that - I'll always come to TSR for help :biggrin: