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GCSE AQA FRENCH SPEAKING - General conversation and what theme to choose?

Hi all,

I have my French AQA speaking exam in a month and I'm still wondering what theme I should choose for my general conversation part of my speaking exam?

I have already chosen one (theme 1) but I'm wondering if it would make any difference which theme I choose?

Thanks in advance,
My advice would be pick something where phrases and words will come out easily. You have to do the conversation without notes! So to be honest, just pick whatever you are more confident in when it comes to speaking! (I've chosen theme 3 ^.^)
I chose theme 5 as I find that the hardest as do most of my year. I recommend picking the hardest theme for your presentation because that means you will definetly not get it for your role play or picture task so it would be so much easier. You can predict what questions will come up aswell. For example in my last 3 mocks I pretty much go exactly the same questions and won't change once te actual exams. Questions like "qu'est ce que tu fais pour proteger l'environnement" will come up often for anyone doing theme 5
choose the hardest theme for general conversation, because you can actually prepare for it and memorise it
the photocard ad role play will therefore be on an easier theme
Hi, I have a french speaking tomorrow but no need to worry. Personally i would recommend theme 2 because you don't want a picture children picking up rubbish or ethical shopping. You can practice the one least like for general conversation so you don't cry when you don't understand the picture or role-play.Save me please, thankyou.
Reply 5
hi there I have my speaking exam in a week and a bit I choose theme 1 and was wondering how I can do last min revisionplease help.thanks
theme 3 has the least questions easiest to prepare for
Reply 7
Original post by LalalalallOL
theme 3 has the least questions easiest to prepare for

My exam is today and I am praying I do not get this as it has the questions that are hardest to remember (in my case at least). It is a shame that you cannot rule one out until the exam starts because some of these questions got me stressed right now.
Original post by bilza111
My exam is today and I am praying I do not get this as it has the questions that are hardest to remember (in my case at least). It is a shame that you cannot rule one out until the exam starts because some of these questions got me stressed right now.

really? We get to choose
Reply 9
Original post by LalalalallOL
really? We get to choose

I chose holidays but I cannot choose the other one. That was chance.
If you spend more than 2 and half minutes on the first theme how does that affect the timing overall for the general conservation

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