The Student Room Group

London Royal College of Music vs. London Royal Academy of Music


Please can someone tell me what the main differences between them/which one is better? I want to study Music Performance

look at the teachers for your instrument, maybe see if you can find out some info about them and see if you prefer any. that would be my main bit of advice. however, i imagine you could also look into exactly what the two courses entail in terms of examinations, performance, any academic work etc etc.
i'm sure if you look on the website, you'll find all this info.
how about asking your current teacher? and maybe going to an open day at both.
Thanks very much for that advice
Reply 3
look at teachers. also remember that RAM only take about 8 wind players a year (or at least did when i went to visit) but is there anything stopping you applying for both?
Heya! To be honest, I applied to (and got rejected by! :biggrin: ) both, but I couldn't see any difference! Like the other two have said, the main difference is the teachers: look at their profiles on the respective websites and see if there are any you like the look of; if there are, ask the department to arrange a consultation lesson with them.

The main thing to do is to visit both and see if you like the atmosphere. I personally thought that RCM were more friendly than RAM (well, at least the Keyboard Dept was!), but it is really an individual choice. Go to both of the Open Days and see which place you like more.

Though like Lazza said, you can apply to both! In fact, you can apply to all the music colleges in the UK if you want to! :biggrin: Only thing is Guildhall and RAM are not part of CUKAS, so you have to apply to them separately :smile:
If you want to sing, I wouldn`t apply for either unless you`re a mature student, because they don`t take 18/19 year old singers.
Apply for the Royal College if you want to perform instrumentally.
i have just turned 14 and have been accepted for singing by the royal academy and am waiting for a response from the royal college. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

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