cgp is certainly one of the most well-known revision guides for gcse science - maybe indeed the gold standard. many say it's for the layout and design, in terms of being easy to read, which can certainly help if you're cramming for mock tests (or something similar).
however, if the design and layout are aspects that you'd rather avoid, then there are certainly others that you can use.
the best one i've found so far is the collins series.
example links for the student book and workbook: (student book, biology) (workbook, biology)
you may much prefer collins' design to cgp's, and the cgp and collins workbooks are equally good if you want to get your grade up to an 8/9.
there's even a required practical book that goes over each one in detail, and can prepare you for exam questions that ask you to analyse the methods and results of each experiment. is the oxford science revision guide.'s comprehensive, and gives you synoptic links and study tips next to the information you need to learn, as well as giving you things to look into further, if you're ever curious
it's most often used by students who have the online textbook for the series on a website called kerboodle, but it's still by all means helpful for students who don't have it.
it's good that you brought this up while in year 10, so that you'll be able to revise most effectively once you need to start. don't hesitate to ask any more questions if you need more guidance on which one to pick or how best to revise, and best of luck preparing! you've got lots of time