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Cant get rid of this depressed feeling

Currently, I have been having these constant depressing thoughts and feelings and they are really affecting my life and happiness. i have had them on and off for probably the last 5 years and there are times which of course have been worse than ever. i think it started just before my gran died when everyone knew her death was likely. this affected me really badly because she died at 53 and i was really close to her and she was the person in my family i was really connected to. after her death, at her funeral it was only me and my sister that cried, mainly because there is lots of males in my family and they dont cry ever. since the funeral, no one ever speaks of her and i am still mourning her. i think this is one of the causes of these thoughts but i cant do anything about that.

i also have feelings of complete hoplesness and that i am a failiure. they are really demorilising and i lose all motivation to do anything. i think this is brought on by my fears for the future and the lack of control i have over where my life goes.

i also have these really irrational fears that come in my head and i cant get rid of them, like a fear of going to work and that if i do go to work bad things will happen and it will be horrible, or the same for college. this results in me bursting into tears and begging parents not to let me go but they do and its always horrible. i know it will be like this for work this weekend and i dont want it to happen as it makes normal situations really depressing.

i want ways to get rid of these feelings and thoughts so any help is greatly received. sorry for the long thread!!

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Reply 1
first off youre not alone. lots of people feel this way at some point. things are better than you see them at the moment. i think you should go and speak to your doctor, they will be able to give you the proper help to deal with these issues. there isnt often a quick fix but its better to get it thourly sorted
Reply 2
ok, i am a bit scared of going to the doctors, mainly due to my probable misconceptions.

mainly i want to know will a doctor either section me or give me drugs. because neither of these things i want to happen and i dont even know if this is what will happen?

if that is completley irrational please tell me, because these have stopped me going to the doctors previously
Reply 3
Don't worry they won't section you or anything, it's best you see your doctor who will then refer you to a therapist/psychiatrist - it's worthwhile as you have someone to talk to who will actually give you feedback and help to explian things better. They might even unlock some buried feelings that cause the problems in the first place.

Counselling is less useful I find as they just listen.
They won't section you - not unless there's any serious issue you haven't already mentioned. They will possibly offer you antidepressants, but you do not have to take them - and believe me, they will have come across numerous people who (like you) do not want to take medication for their depression. I've been on antidepressants for years and they have been very helpful - but there are alternatives, such as counselling. Your doctor would be able to sort you out with counselling, if you feel up to doing something like that.

Do you have a friend you can take with you to the doctors? Even if you leave them in the waiting room, the whole thing can be a lot less scary if you have some company. :smile:
I'd highly reccomend you going to the Docters :-)

Some of your irrational fears are in line with OCD which usually is the bodies way physically expressing anxiety. A docter will be able to refer you to a therapist or a psychologist and they will be able to help bundles. I had to go to a psychologist a few years back because my OCD was getting way out of hand! Helped so much :-)
One thing though some docters you have to insist on what you want for example my hospital comes under a trust with a defecit so they are really unwilling to treat anything no n life threatening ! Make sure you go in with the readiness to insist on what you want. Also your parents don't have to know if you don't want them too :-)
Reply 6
my parents dont really know anything about this, i think they just think i am shy.

if you want to see your doctor for something like this, what do you do? i mean, i have made appointments before for like medical issues that need sorting that day and so you ring the appointment line at like 8am to get an appointment that day and they are more for emergency medical issues. is there another way of making appointment?

also how available is like therapies and counselling? will they be reluctant to offer it?
Hi ! Don't think that your issue isn't as important as someone elses! Just make an appointment in the normal way :-) If there was an emergency they just slip them in thats why theres usually a wait at the docters :-) Um therapies and counselling are usually widely available and if you make sure you explicitly explain to the docter how serious this is to you i'm sure they will refer you :-)

Let us know how you get on :-)
my parents dont really know anything about this, i think they just think i am shy.

if you want to see your doctor for something like this, what do you do? i mean, i have made appointments before for like medical issues that need sorting that day and so you ring the appointment line at like 8am to get an appointment that day and they are more for emergency medical issues. is there another way of making appointment?

also how available is like therapies and counselling? will they be reluctant to offer it?

Well, at my GP surgery (I presume you're registered with a GP, and can make your own way there?) they have a "drop-in" clinic from 8am-10am, where you basically just go and wait to be seen on a first come, first served basis. You don't have to be an emergency case to do that. Your GP surgery may or may not do something like that - you might be able to find out on the internet.

But if they don't have that sort of service, you can also make your own appointment by calling the surgery - you'll speak to a receptionist, and you can discuss an appointment time (usually later that week).

They shouldn't be reluctant to offer things like counselling, but there is a fairly high demand for it, so it may take a while for you to get seen by a counsellor. In the meantime, your GP may offer you antidepressants, which you can take to make you feel better until the time of your counselling or - if you're avidly against taking them - you can just hang in there until you get seen by a counsellor. :smile:
Reply 9
is it right to feel really really nervous about this? because i havent even made a doctors appointment yet and still every worst case scenario is rushing through my head. this is the feeling i get that stops me going to college or work and makes me want to cry and i really want it to stop!
Its normal to feel nervous about something like going to the docters or dentist however when these nerves bgin to interfere significantly with your day to day life thats when something needs to be done. I know it must be so hard for you to go to the docters but honestly they are there to help you - they cannot do anything bad nor will they want to. I remember when I went to the psychologist and she did this thing where she would suggest that I decide if some of my fears were "silly" fear in that they would be seen as silly by most people. That really helped my identify areas where I needed help.
no go to some anon helpline instead. once they've got you're depressed in the nhs system, it'll stay there for life
no go to some anon helpline instead. once they've got you're depressed in the nhs system, it'll stay there for life

Yes it will go on your NHS records but so does everything! The time you went to A+E for that drunken incident the time you had a sore throat the time you fell out of a tree. It really does not affect your future in ANY way at all so please don't put the op off from seeking the medical help that could transform his life !
Yes it will go on your NHS records but so does everything! The time you went to A+E for that drunken incident the time you had a sore throat the time you fell out of a tree. It really does not affect your future in ANY way at all so please don't put the op off from seeking the medical help that could transform his life !

Yes, that's why if I do get drunk, I stay in my room in the recovery position. And I don't go to my GP either. I tend to treat sore throats myself. No, I'm saying, if he has contacts, use them - I personally wouldn't go to an NHS doctor. I usually go private.
the only thing a gp can do is either:
1) prescribe you some SSRI / SNRI and say see you in a few months
2) refer you to specialist

2) is ideal... but I don't trust anybody with any of my info on the record. All the *doctors* job applications were accessible by the public a while back... so see some confidential counsellor instead. But they tend to be a bit useless with their well-meaning protocols.

so you might as well buy some SSRI over the net (I wouldn't though, because I don't want these chemicals messing with my brain)
Reply 15
what so if i go to the doctors and they say im depressed, will future employers etc be able to see this. and say if in the future i wanted to do a job in which the employers needed medical forms and checks would this prohibit my chances of getting one of those jobs?
I don't want to dissuade you from going to the doctors. But try some 'talking therapies' first - talking does work. I'm a medic and wouldn't dream that some talk can help - afterall I am doing a degree in neuroscience. But yes, I don't even trust our own medical system too much. But if it gets really serious, you *have* to see a doctor. When I'm overseas, I tend to go to private doctors. Haven't gone private here tho
what so if i go to the doctors and they say im depressed, will future employers etc be able to see this. and say if in the future i wanted to do a job in which the employers needed medical forms and checks would this prohibit my chances of getting one of those jobs?

NOOOO !!!!!!!
Not at all your medical records are PRIVATE no future employer would know you had been treated for depression unless you tell them. Most people will suffer from depression at some point in their lives so don;t worry ! Please do go to the docter ! Just to reassure you I went to a psychologist for about a year once a week every monday morning lol - I was quite ****ed up !!! Since then I've applied for two jobs and got both lol ! Please please go to the docter
Honestly, people, I think you need to be very careful about what you're saying. Scaring people with mental health issues away from medical help is not just stupid, it's dangerous.

Your medical records are completely confidential. Aside from that, don't underestimate the number of people that will have been treated for depression - I think it's something like 1 in 4 people that will experience some sort of emotional/mental health problem in their life time. An employer isn't going to worry about it, honestly (and if they did, that would be illegal anyway).

You won't get sectioned. If you're under 18, then your GP will refer you to your local CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services), where you'll be assessed by a specialist to decide on the right kind of treatment for you (and this won't be medication if you're not comfortable with that). If you're 18 or older, your GP could prescribe medication for you (again, only if you're comfortable with that), but will otherwise refer you to a counsellor, therapist, or someone else they think will be best suited to helping you. Nothing that you're not comfortable with will be done, and they'll discuss everything with you first.

I was in your position a few years ago. I got a friend to make the appointment for me because I was too scared, and then they practically had to drag me in, but I'm so glad that I did it. You can even get your friend to explain the problem for you, or you can write it down to give to the doctor. They're there to help you :smile:
Yes I know. If you're at uni, go to the counselling service, if you got to your gp, chances are he'll refer you there anyway.