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Eczema/constant itching

So, I've got small patches of eczema behind my knees, but the whole of my legs are constantly itching and it's getting pretty annoying! I've got some E45 and hydrocortizone that the doctor gave me when I've been about this problem before but the E45 doesn't seem to really do anything and the hydrocortizone is only really for my eczema and I can't really put it on the whole of my legs..

The itching also seems to be worse after I've just had a bath/shower.

Anyone got any ideas about what I could do to calm the itching down, it's driving me crazy! I'll probably end up going back to the doctors but suspect he's just going to say the same thing as last time :s-smilie:


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Reply 1
Could be an allergic reaction to something you're using in the bath/shower?
Reply 2
Cold flannel it-them rub with aqeuous cream (you can get from the chemist)
You may be allergic to lanolin if the E45 gives you problems like myself.
Reply 3
I've had the same problem and its soo annoying. I found that aqeuous cream really helps as E45 irritated my skin. You can buy it from superdrug etc and its really cheap plus it calmed my skin other words a godsend!
Reply 4
Thanks for the replies, I'll try the aqeuous cream and hope that helps!
nononono all those creams suck make your own remedy ive suffered all my life im controlling it now with nettle cream and DONT use steroids
Reply 6
E45 never worked for me and I have had eczema for yeaaars, I reckon I was actually allergic to it! I kept going back to the doctors and they prescribe you stuff over and over again until they find what works for you. Ask for unguentum-M if you go to Docs as it's a really good moisturiser and does seem to work. Also maybe he'll prescribe some different steroids, maybe a milder one for your legs? I have two - one for severe patches and one for larger areas. These combat the causes of the eczema. They may also check it is eczema not psoriasis or another skin complaint and perhaps refer you to a dermatologist. If it's a real problem after baths they may give you some bath salt things (I had these and they helped a bit, but the steroids work better for me). My advice is just keep going back! If something doesn't work after a couple of months got back and tell them. You will find something that works eventually. Just persist, you don't need to put up with eczema!
And it's unlikely to be an allergic reaction to anything unless it's in other areas apart from your legs. Maybe try a neutralish moisturiser like Dove or Palmer's? Good luck with it, it's a bloody pain I know!
Reply 7
Thanks Reblet, that's really helpful! I'll go back to the docs and see what they say. Hopefully I'll find something that works for me soon!
Reply 8
i thought i had exzema, i had these sore patches on my hands and knuckles, turns out it was just the soap i was using.
I have excema and the only thing that's worked is the steroid cream elocon.

For the bath I have some special bath stuff to use. I don't use my normal products anymore.

It's upstairs but tomorrow morning I'll check what the name is and you could maybe go back to your Doctor and ask him/her about it? My legs are bad at the moment as well - I made the back of my legs bleed this morning.

Reply 10
I have had eczema for years since I was a kid and it is only in the last few years that it has calmed down. When I was a kid, many people said that I would grow out of it, but I didn't. If they meant that it would get better as I got older, then I suppose yes, it did, but I somehow feel it is an emotionally triggered disease. I used to itch when I got out of the shower, or my skin got wet, I used to itch when I got hot, when I got worried, everything basically.

At school I was bullied because of my eczema, and it made me feel that I never wanted to pass such a *****ty disease onto my kids, so I never had any.

I dont think steriods are the long term answer unfortunately. Only you know if it is emotionally triggered. Is anything stressful happening for you at the moment? Good luck. I know what it is like.
Reply 11
I know how that feels too! People told me I'd grow out of it but I still have it now and im 18. It has got considerably better as I've got older but I remember when I was little and it was much much worse some kids would call me wrinkly skin and say I was diseased. People still tease me now but I've developed a thick skin (pun not intended!) and can pretty much joke about it. I'm still horribly self concious seeing as I have it on my hands as well as arms and sometimes patches on my face, so I've developed a habit of wearing long sleeved tops, though im still searching for a balaclava lol.

I find that I get really bad if I'm stressed out so I agree with ocpaul20, see if your under any kinda stress because it lowers your immune system making your skin more vunerable. As I said before I use aqueous cream to relieve my skin, and I used Diprobase for when it gets really bad but I think and I'm hoping anyone can correct me on this, its a mild steroid which is why I stopped. Whatever you do try to avoid using steriod creams because long term use of topical steriods can cause health problems.

I hope the doctor helps you, good luck too :smile:
Reply 12
About the stress element, I suppose I am quite stressed right now but this problem has been around for a couple of years. But saying that, it has been worse recently so this might be something to do with it.

Also, the eczema doesn't cover my legs, I only have small patches of it but my legs still itch all over. I've had eczema all of my life but I've never experienced this kind of itching until a couple of years ago like I said.
Reply 13
dont scratch itl only make it worse! wear loose, cotton clothes.
but yea that aqua cream worked best for me. try taking some piraton too?
Reply 14
ahh piraton...if your talking about the allergy tablet be careful! I took half and got so drowsy I couldnt stand up, yet my sister can take two and is as fine as rain!
I have eczema :frown: I find using anti-bacterial cream and then wrapping up in cotton bandage helps to sooth and stops me scratching madly at it
Reply 16
I never actually got bullied about it, but I used to feel like such a lepyr! Cut your nails as well. If you can't scratch then you won't! Also wear gloves at night to stop sleep-scratching.
It is such a common condition though, so nobody should be embarassed about it.
Reply 17
It is such a common condition though, so nobody should be embarassed about it.

Ahh but some people can be so mean, especially kids!:frown:
ooo ooo ooo I remember that I use Dermol *something* in the bath and it stops your skin being itchy - great for before bed. There are other ones that you can get from boots and what not that work a treat but i cant remember right now :cool:

*Edit* And ice packs work ok as a short term solution.. if it's driving you nuts. Just make sure it's not wet
Reply 19
I have the same thing on my arms - started using Waitrose lavender bath soak which is amazing, although oily! Was a bit of a risk, as sometimes bath products/soaps can set it off..
I was told not to over-use the hydrocortizone as it thins the skin.. this was after I'd got through a whole tube (small one though) I was very worried for a while after!
If you think its an allergic reaction you could take a anti-histamine *sp? it can only help if it is the case.. I hate going to doctors about it, even just the nurse makes you feel like you're wasting their time, but its very annoying to live with!