The Student Room Group

Westminster university portfolio

i got an email from westminster.

'The portfolio should be of between 7 and 10 pieces of work, maximum A3 in size. You could send us paintings, drawings, photographs (of models) or poems, and each piece should be chosen to show evidence of your personal creative ability and interests. It would be helpful if you could insert a short note to say why you have chosen each piece. '

What is considered as one peice? is a design project with 30 pages considered as one peice? or does it mean one final pieces like a painting, collage etc?

sorry if i sound really stupid. I sent an email to them asking about this but they didnt reply back.
Reply 1
7 to 10 pieces of artwork...

e.g - 3 paintings, 2 sketches, a photograph and a poem = 7 pieces of work.
The admissions hasnt responded to me still. do you think its okay to send in good quality A3 photos of my work, instead of the actual thing. i reckon they wont return it back in the end.
Reply 3

I had an interview with Westminster and should be able to help you here.

If I were you, try not to send Photographs. Try to send your drawings, Photoshop work, Urban Planning, Sections and Plans, any models you've made and collage work.

1 sheet of Urban Planning
4 Sheet of Plans, Section and Elevation
1 or 2 Sheet of Photoshop Work
1 Sheet of Photographs (to show your technique)
1 Sheet of Painting or Collage work

Good Luck
errr who does urban planning design n that stuff when they're not actually studying architecture?... They want to see evidence of creativity and skill, so literally, go through your portfolio and see what you think looks good and send them A4 copies of them.
The admissions responded a week later. they accept photocopies.
Reply 6
i also got the same email from westminster.. i dont do art..

what type of things would they be looking for? or would prefer having?

i know copying photgraphs is something they dont like.. is there anything else?
Reply 7
arent u already at uni?