The Student Room Group

attacked at metrostation

Hi all,

On tuesday I was walking to the metro station at 11 in the morning to go to uni.
As i was approaching the metro i heard footsteps behind me, but i didnt think anything of it, and then i heard someone running behind me/towards me.

All of a sudden this guy put his hand over my mouth and told me not to say anything. And he took pulled down my scarf and started to kiss my neck.

I was struggling to get out of the way he had me but i couldnt.
Luckily I had my mobile phone in my left hand so i held it infront of us and tried to open it, and he just ran off.

it was the most random thing ever.

I was really upset at the time, as something similar has happened to me before. I have spoken to the police and i have to change my daily route now which is a nightmare.

Everyone keeps telling me that they are there for me, but I feel like if i complain about it i'm being silly as it wasn't exactly as bad as it could have been..

so im really unsure of how I feel.

Whenever i talk about it my boyfriend says i should be thankful and says im strong so shud be ok, which i know i am but he just doesnt seem as bothered as anyone else. I dont want sympathy btw.

I just dont know how im feeling about the whole thing because some people are saying get councilling and my boy is making me feel like this isnt a big thing when to me it is.

sorry ust wanted to get that off my chest

please keep anon, x

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Reply 1
if its a big thing to you tell your boyfriend its a big thing.
you should talk to someone about how its made you feel.
dont supress any feelings. let them all out. its nothing to be ashamed of. what happened isnt your fault.
As DH said really don't keep it all bottled up.
Your boyfriend probably does think it is a big thing, but maybe he is trying to forget about it?
He probably feels awful about what happened to you, and doesnt want to talk about it because the thought of what could have happened is a worry to him.

You can get through this. Do all the police have said, change your routine and always keep safe but try and put the whole thing behind you. The less you think about it, the less it will play on your mind.
If you are still worried about it in a few weeks time then maybe councilling is a good idea but I'd definately see how it goes for a bit because gradually I think it will begin to worry you less and less.

It sounds like you have lots of people around you who are there for you, and I'm sure you will be able to talk about it and get things off your chest if you need to.

I'm so sorry about what happened, it sounds awful. :frown:
Reply 4
your boyfriend doesn't sound very compassionate. i guess if it's happened a second time the answer is to try not to head off alone.
Reply 5
I had a similar experience to you. I was walking through my town in the evening after getting a train from Manchester and some drunk guy came up to me and started putting his arm round me and followed me through town trying to get me to come back to his for a 'drink' and getting a bit too close for comfort. I was only 15 at the time and I know it's not the same as what happened to you but it was scary. Fortunately he wasn't perverted, just drunk and when I told him how old I was, he apologized. My friend however, still got on her bus and left me with him at the bus stop when he was putting his arm around me and getting close to me. And when I told my then boyfriend, he wasn't at all bothered. In fact, I think he just said "well, you're alright aren't you? So?" It really pissed me off. I don't know what to suggest though, don't let it stop you from going about your normal routine, talk to your uni counsellor of you want and maybe tell your boyf how you feel if it really bothers you. Hope that helps x
Omg are u in Manchester and do you mean the metrolink? Exactly same thing happened to me but in Withington last year! It was horrible but glad it wasn't much worse *phew*
It really upset me too...but I shouted after him 'Can't you get a girlfriend, SADCASE' at him when he ran away, made me feel a little better. I was on my way to my boyfriend's at the time and first thing I did was have a good wash then blurted everything out crying! Went out later and had a blast tho. Horrible that people like that are about, who knows what his next step will be... yuck.

PM me if you like xx

EDIT - this was in daylight and neither party was drunk, and i had a frumpy coat on, not looking very alluring or anything! When I heard someone speed up behind me I told myself not to be paranoid and didn't look, then when I felt someone grab me at first I thought 'oh it must be my housemates playing a joke' - unluckily it wasn't :frown:
Reply 7
Reply 8
Is there a particular time and place that this happens? Do you know what the guy looks like? If so, give a decription to the Police so that they can catch this weirdo.
First of all let me just say I am so so sorry that happened to you - don't let anyone underrate it - it was a seriously horrible thing to happen and as such it will have natrually shocked you as well as allowing for the horrible state of mind where you start thinking what if etc.

That said don't keep it bottled in - talk to someone and just tell them how you are feeling about the whole thing. Anyone will understand and want to help you recover from the emotional stress of the event. Talking should allow you a certain element of emotional comfort but it may take time to fully recover.

Anyway once again I am really sorry and I hope that you feel better soon
Reply 10
don't keep it all bottled up.

let people know how you really feel about the whole situation!!!!
Reply 11
thanks for your response guys :smile:
well as he came from behind i did not get to see what e looked like and the cctv was pointing at us the whole time but police sed it wasnt in operation when it happened so that really upset me. Im going to write to the council or nexus about that x
The OP said it was 11am and at a station... the guy who attacked (?!) me was on a road at about 7pm.. he looked pretty young and was wearing typical scally type clothes. It was quite a while back so my memory is pretty hazy :frown: Anon, what was the guy like? Maybe there are a few crazy fools like them roaming around *worry*

What I thought was extra strange was that he was alone with seemingly no motive, it's not like anyone egged him on to play a silly prank. Weirdo.
Reply 13
hey, this happened in newcastle, im so silly it didnt seem important to me at the time to see what he looked like but he was wearing gloves and a hat, charver he was.
Late 20's, i described this to the police, i just dont know what he wanted though, as i wasnt mugged or anything.. confused me x
And So You Should! What's The Point Having Cctv If It's Not Turned On?!

Sorry didn't see your post about not seeing him... did you get any sense of height or anything? I didn't think he was very tall, I'm 5ft he was defo less than 6ft.
Reply 16
yeh less than 6ft, maybe about 5'9, he seemed a bit slow too, like simple.. hard to explain. This is how these people build their confidence its sickening x
Your boyfriend seems abit insensitive:frown:
Reply 18
Which metro station was this?
Reply 19
What a horrible thing to happen, mate. :frown: Don't let anyone make you think it was nothing - these things are scary. I agree with previous posters: speak out. You need to talk to your friends about it. Getting it all out of your head will help. I know it can seem as if you're burdening people with things, but if they know you're upset, they honestly won't mind. They're your mates and that's what mates are for. :smile: I think your bloke needs to understand how you feel as well. If he doesn't know how much it freaked you out, he won't be able to understand how it's affecting you.

I hope you feel better soon. :smile: