I have heard from my friends that people in Durham have a very distinctive accent which is hard to understand. Is this true? What sort of accent is it? Posh?
It's roughly a Mackem (Sunderland) accent. Very loosely speaking it sounds like a broad Geordie accent. But don't ever tell them they sound like Geordies...
No, it sounds vaguely like a Geordie accent. Being from the North East I'd say it sounds more like a Sunderland accent but if you're not from the area you'd probably not be able to differentiate much between a Mackem and a Geordie
NO. You are very wrong. Durham natives do not sound like Geordies at all, and they don't have the dialect, either. Whoever said they sound like Makems is closer to the point. It's more northern than an Boro accent, but nowhere near as broad and horrible as the Geordie accent.
I thought this was amusing - tried to find an example of the accent on youtube to no avail... but this video shows some pretty good views of Durham. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HiyF1cVIQxU
ahem. as i 'durham-er' myself, i can safely say that our accent is not posh, don't be fooled by all the students. and there is a big difference between geordie and a durham version of geordie. honestly, you make it sound like we're from another planet!
Well, I've spoken to a couple of people from Durham, and to a southern ear it does sound akin to a Geordie accent - which isn't to criticise it, seeing as Geordie accents are most definitely my favourite accents in the whole world.
I remember speaking to my first year roomy on MSN before we came to Durham. She's from Brighton and she asked me: "so, do you speak with a northern accent? I hope it's not too strong because I can't understand northern people very easily!" I was NOT looking forward to sharing with her after that...but as it turns out she could understand me and we got on like a house on fire
Also, personally I don't think the Durham accent is hard to understand, but then I am from a place with an actual dialect myself and have spent a lot of time in the North East previous to coming to Durham so it's not something I ever considered worrying about.