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What A-Level Subject should I take to go into Business? Any advice is appreciated

IM currently deciding what subjects to take for a-levelz and my ambition is to become a director of a company. What would i have to do in the future to become one and how can i start on the business or management path?

Any help from whatever age is helpful

Thanks =]

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Well it all depends on what you're good at. Personally I wouldn't take Business Studies as it isn't that respected, though if you do that along with 3 other respected subjects that would be fine.

I'd say a good combination would be; Maths, English Lit, Economics and Foreign Language
Reply 2
Well At the moment ive decided; English Language and Economics but im still unsure about the other 2 as i want tog et the best arks possible and that would mean be taking physics, chem or bio which will be of no real use. :s nd thanks for ur comment
Well yeah, it'd be better to get a A's in Chemistry and Biology than C's in Maths and French. If you want the best marks possible then I'd say take Chemistry and Physics, you say they have no real use, but even if you don't go into a science-related career, you may find the skills you learn in the subjects very useful. Universities should also be fine with you taking a Business-related degree with English Language, Economics, Chemistry and Physics
I would have recommended Economics, Maths, English and a Language, but what you say about the sciences seems sensible.
Reply 5
Maths, Economics, One Humanity course (History / Geography), One Language (french / Spanish / German)
I always wondered waht people refer to when they say 'i wan 2 gt in2 businezz'. business is everything, how could you get a job not working for a business? every firm is a business. isnt it like saying 'i want to get into employment'.. ;S

but yeah, for decent uni i say,
Chemisty (one of the most respected a-levels+HARD!)/ History
Foreign language/economics

Haha yeah I've always thought that too, though for some reason never brought it up :P
Reply 7
Its a good idea not to take business studies, take economics instead. I recommend, economics, Maths, English and then the last one can be whatever you want.
Reply 8
Alternative - you do not need to tke any A level courses. Start your own company and you are Director on day one.:biggrin:
Reply 9
geography is a very good alternate
Reply 10
O ok thanksfor your help.. btw is any one aware of what kind of course i would ave o take at uni to go fulfill that ambition (director fo company) at the moment im only aware of business management but i think someehing more speciic is needd.
Well stryker101 make a good point...What sort of business are you looking to go into? For example do you want to be the director of a company that builds computers, or that sells groceries? it'd help if you had some sort of subject field you wanted to go into.
Reply 12
Well to be honest, i hadnt thought that far lol =S..i guess only time will tell.. Thank you all for ur help.
I would say: Maths (Further if possible), Physics, History/Modern Foreign Language and Economics
That combination would be seriously impressive - shows you are a serious all-rounder and that you can cope, regardless of the type of employment you enter.
Well to be honest, i hadnt thought that far lol =S..i guess only time will tell.. Thank you all for ur help.

Yeah, well just follow the advice for what A-Levels to do, and then when it gets to point of deciding on university courses, I'd just take one which interests you

Good luck for the future
4 a levels, right?

I'd recommended Maths, Economics, Further Maths (if possible) and something totally unrelated but still seen as hard, like Eng. Lit.

Good luck.
Reply 16
Maths,eco and a foreign language.
Reply 17
Well ive decided; English Language, Maths, Economics and still unsur about the last, possibly a Science, and if so, which one would you recommened to be most appealing to uni's?
I say do Physics, it goes well with maths.
Reply 19
O ok thank you all for your help! =]