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How are A-level grades calculated?


New to all this A-level stuff so hoping some of you can help me out with this.............

I'm told I need 3.5 A-levels for uni. I plan on taking physics, chemistry and biology (i.e. doing AS and A2 in all 3 subjects) which should give me 3 full A-levels. Now my question is, do I need a 4th subject at AS level to bring me up to 3.5 A-levels?

Also, what exam results does the university get? Do they just add the AS and A2 results together to give a final total or is it just the A2 results that go forward?

Thanks for this!
Reply 1
I think it probably means 3 x A2 Level and 1 x AS Level.

The University will get all of your results as separate qualifications
e.g AAAa not one combined result like IB.

For example I need to get AAB in any 3 of my subjects to get into my course, so I can get AAB and even a U in my fourth A Level.

Some unis however give you an offer in ucas points. e.g 300 points.

At A2 Level, A = 120, B = 100, C = 80, D = 60, E = 40
At AS Level the number of points in halved.

So AABb would give me 120 + 120 +100 + 50 = 390 points.
Reply 2
so AAAAAAaaaaaa is 1080
Reply 3
so AAAAAAaaaaaa is 1080

Yes, but only if you take 6 AS Levels and 6 A2 Levels.

Note, If you take an AS Level and then Carry it on to A2 Level you would only get the points for the A2 Level as the AS goes towards your final grade.

So if you got aaaaaa at AS level and then continued all these onto A2 Level and got AAAAAA you would get 6 x 120 = 720 points.
Reply 4
Yes, but only if you take 6 AS Levels and 6 A2 Levels.

Note, If you take an AS Level and then Carry it on to A2 Level you would only get the points for the A2 Level as the AS goes towards your final grade.

So if you got aaaaaa at AS level and then continued all these onto A2 Level and got AAAAAA you would get 6 x 120 = 720 points.

oh right
Reply 5
Thanks for your help guys!
Reply 6
What would ABBC be? for AS
Reply 7
Hi can anyone helpWhat is the lowest marks I can get to achieve a D grade overall if I got a C in my AS level
Original post by Ally-j
Hi can anyone helpWhat is the lowest marks I can get to achieve a D grade overall if I got a C in my AS level

120 at most, possibly as low as 91 if you got a high C.
Reply 9
Is that the total of the 2 as and 2 a2 exams. X
Reply 10
Original post by morgan8002
120 at most, possibly as low as 91 if you got a high C.

Is that the total marks for units 1 and 2 as. And 3 and 4 a2
Original post by Ally-j
Is that the total marks for units 1 and 2 as. And 3 and 4 a2

No, total for the A2.
Last year I got A*A*A and as I'm on a gap year working I thought I'd get the A in further maths to an A* , anyway today I resit mfp2 and it went horrifically bad (not an over reaction, definitely worse than last year) can anyone tell me if my resit grade will take the old better score or will it be the new worst score as it may bring me down to A*A*B

Posted from TSR Mobile
Reply 13
Original post by Ally-j
Is that the total marks for units 1 and 2 as. And 3 and 4 a2

It says on the AQA site that you need 28 and 40 to achieve a D but just can't get my head around where the c from last year get added x
Reply 14
Original post by chester1995
Last year I got A*A*A and as I'm on a gap year working I thought I'd get the A in further maths to an A* , anyway today I resit mfp2 and it went horrifically bad (not an over reaction, definitely worse than last year) can anyone tell me if my resit grade will take the old better score or will it be the new worst score as it may bring me down to A*A*B

Posted from TSR Mobile

pretty sure, you keep the best score