The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Well I have absolutely no medical training or any experience at all with this issue, but I'm fairly confident you've punctured your nose bag.
Reply 2
i had this. was a weak vein at the back or something. used to have a stupid amount of nose bleeds. had the vein thing sealed or something
Reply 3
I used to have nosebleeds all the time, often in the middle of the night as well, and it turned out it was a dust allergy. I often have them if I've been cleaning or dusting or in a dusty place, and they are usually preceded by a lot of sneezes, sooo...could maybe be that.
Yeah, it's basically blood vessels which lie too close to the surface of skin in your nose. Back in the old days they would quarterise them, though I think they feel it's best to simply leave it be now.

If it's a real problem see a doctor, otherwise just be careful and know how to stop them.

I get random nosebleeds all the time.
Reply 5
I sneezed really hard once and got a nose bleed that didn't stop for 2 hours. There was a period after that when I'd get nosebleeds all the time fairly randomly, but it's all gone now.
I sneezed really hard once and got a nose bleed that didn't stop for 2 hours. There was a period after that when I'd get nosebleeds all the time fairly randomly, but it's all gone now.

Should you ever get a nosebleed that is severe, you should pinch the nose just below the bone. Try not to let the blood go down your throat.

The blood should clot within 15mins or so. Too much longer and you should be going to see a doctor.
I always thought nosebleeds sound quite fun.
Reply 8
I used to have loads and loads of nosebleeds as a kid. I still get them now, just more infrequently.

It's funny having them in clubs...standing over a sink pinching your nose surrounded by bloody tissues.
Reply 9
i still have them, admittedly i used to get them LOADS when i was kid less so now, but i can guarantee if something gets up my nose or i'm ill or something if i sneeze three times = nosebleed. its worse when i'm ill and my nse is blocked coz i'll sneeze or blow my nose, and its not until my nose clear up that i discover the bloodclot amongst the phlegm or then a nosebleed starts. but i get tehm well randomly usually at times of immense stress/pressure and a lot of the time after funerals.

my special trick tho, is if i'm having a major nosebleed and im pinching my nose to stem the flow, the blood will redivert and come out my eyes, people get sooooo scared!

try this test close your mouth, pinch ure nose now breathe out, for like everyone else the air seems to be forcing itself out their ears or not at all, whereas for me its my eyes, so thats where the blood goes.

Crying blood is the mose awesome thing in the world, especially in the middle of town whn you get a random nosebleed and the blood jsut comes out ure eye, people are freaked!
Reply 10
Kater Murr
I always thought nosebleeds sound quite fun.

Not being a wimp, but they're really painful. I get them when I have a cold. I went to the doctor and was given some cream to put up my nose and it's worked fine for me.
Reply 11
You should've gone to hospital I've heard if u get one over 45mins call an ambulance
I randomly sneezed just now and then my nose started running I thought that was common because I have a cold right now then I looked at my pillow and there was big splotches of blood everywhere so I had to go fix it and then I looked it up on Google to see if this is common I think it is