The Student Room Group

Accommodation Guide for Undergraduate Students

Deleted as info is now out of date.
(edited 13 years ago)

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Reply 1
Thank you :biggrin:
Reply 2
Wow, cheers! The accommodation staff at Nottingham seem pretty friendly and helpful:smile:
Right.. I'm so, so confused.

I've accepted Nottingham as my Insurance offer.. I'm probably being very, very dim, but do I need to apply for accomodation?

Also, if this is completely the wrong place to ask, suitably condemn me, and point me in the right direction! :biggrin:
Reply 4
Consider yourself condemned!!!

Try the ask accommodation thread but the short answer is, no you dont apply now.
Reply 5
lol. i really sound like some rich kid . . . . 'i need to know the spare space available in my en-suite room so I can fit a huge TV in it!' . . . i'm mocking myself!?

Anyhow . . . does anyone know where I can find some pictures of a Cavendish study? There are none on the internet . . .

Reply 6
you have a desk wack it on there or bring a stand am sure u fit it somwhere
Reply 7
what size tv?
Reply 8
A guy in the room next to me, I was on Jubilee Campus, had a massive TV in his room, bigger than the one in my living room at home (!!) so it takes a little manoevering, but it'll fit :smile:
Reply 9
dans, that's reassuring to know I wouldn't be the only one with a big TV! I'm planning on getting a 37 inch Panasonic Plasma 'La Trampa'!

Thanks for the replies!
you do know that every 3 months you'll be having to move out of your room? and that if you happen to be on the ground/1st floor you're a more likely candidate for theft? and that the basic contents insurance probably won't cover for your tv and you'll have to get extra insurance? and on the days when you're drunk or your friends are drunk and everyone decides to go to your room or near your room,that they could potentially destroy it?

sorry i just honestly don't see the point in a 37" tv in halls.
Reply 11
I couldn't see the point either La Trampa, but just thought that I'd say that it's perfectly possible. Your room'd either be completely off bounds, which would not go down too favourably or when people were in there, would you not be completely on edge?
buy a cheap small tv or get a decent laptop with a big screen display and get on one those usb tv pens there good and alot easier than the tv
oh and when your at uni and you got 6 to 8 weeks before next loan and every body is feelin the pressure you dont no what so people will do and how far they will go to get money the tv could cost you your life if you stand in the way of a thief
Reply 14
lol. 'cost me my life' . . . jeez and I thought 'Shottingham' was just a bit of a fun name . . . . anyhow, I would probably get insurance on the T.V. then if security is such an issue. Anyhow, what I'm doing is getting a cheap laptop (£280 Acer Aspire 1 - Ultra Portable 8.9 Inch Screen Types) and then a more expensive TV for £500. Besides girls (Rachael and la trampa!) never understand the concept of big T.V's at the best of time anyway (no offence intended!). And why would I want to have a 'study party' where everyone spends the night getting trashed if there's a perfectly good bar in every halls? My room would never be of limits at all . . . just because of a T.V . . . I just wouldn't deliberately have a massive party inside there!

Thanks for advice anyway!
Reply 15
oh and when your at uni and you got 6 to 8 weeks before next loan and every body is feelin the pressure you dont no what so people will do and how far they will go to get money the tv could cost you your life if you stand in the way of a thief

what a load of rubbish :confused:
Reply 16
Reply 17
Haha, that warning about the thieves made my day...
oh and when your at uni and you got 6 to 8 weeks before next loan and every body is feelin the pressure you dont no what so people will do and how far they will go to get money the tv could cost you your life if you stand in the way of a thief

what a load of crap
I have a tv, laptop, camera, video cam, ipod as well as v expesive jewellry etc and I live in halls, let people into my room to socialise and so on - people in your hall won't steal from you - bit of a generalisation I know but it is very unlikely
You'd probably find, esp in Cavendish Hall, that most students would just ask their mummy and daddy for money if ever they were short of change. From my experience, hall residents rarely steal from each other - thefts tend to be committed by outsiders (usually non-students).

Also, you'd find that almost all students will possess expensive items, so having a large TV will be no different.

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