Hey all,
I'm having a really hard time coping at uni at the moment. I had to go home early at Xmas, because I found out my Grandad had cancer, and had less than a year, and the weekend would have been his last birthday. I decided to go home immediately because we were very close.
When I got home I had to go straight to the hospital, because his kidneys had failed and they'd said he had about 2 hours left. He survived 5 more days - the first 2 we just stayed at the hospital, we didn't dare leave, but after that we took it in shifts - well my mum has 3 sisters (although one is ill) so we broke up the day into 3 slots, and I went every night to the hospital with my mum. It was only 2/3 days but it felt like a month.
I know it's a while later, and I have actually been feeling better, but yesterday I forgot for a second that he was dead - like I thought of doing something with him or something and it hit me again, just as hard like the first time. I went into uni yesterday after it happened, but it was very unproductive - I just spent the whole day trying to appear 'normal', because as much as people care, they think I should be over it by now and they really don't want to hear about it any more.
Since I had only a half day today I took the day off, and I'm wondering if it's worth going to the doctors, because just trying to be normal for everyone else is so physically draining that when I got home yesterday at half 3 I slept until 7, had a salad for dinner, and went back to bed. I slept through my alarm, and woke up crying...
I'm sick of feeling like this. Everytime I think it's going away it comes back, and it's affecting my health, mentally and physically. I'm sick and tired of crying, of feeling exhausted and feeling like nobody understands - because frankly they can't.
Nobody here has ever seen someone they love dead, they've never been as involved as I was, they weren't there for those last painful days because they were too young and it was too painful.
I just want help. I can't go on like this.
I can't seem to stop sleeping because as I said, pretending to be 'okay' is taking it all out of me.