The Student Room Group
Reply 1
You could always contact your MP and ask about doing constituency based work experience, im sure that they will still do some work during their holidays running surgeries etc.
Reply 2
If you don't manage to get experience with your MP, you could look into doing some work at HMRC. OK, it's not directly related to Politics but I've found it a really invaluable experience. Furthermore, a lot of Politics degrees can lead into the civil service. Oh, and the money's good :p:
Reply 3
Thanks for the replies guys. Some of the things you ve suggested are so simple, but they never actually came to mind. i have an aunty who works in the Home office, but she's taking quite long to reply, so i am not resting on her with that one, hence i am trying different possibilities. :smile:
Reply 4
If you don't manage to get experience with your MP, you could look into doing some work at HMRC. OK, it's not directly related to Politics but I've found it a really invaluable experience. Furthermore, a lot of Politics degrees can lead into the civil service. Oh, and the money's good :p:

Funny you said that i did work experience at HMRC in november 07, it was a great experience and has opened doors for me in the future, i was at the middlesbrough office and got an insight into the different aspects of HMRC, i would definately reccomend it, although its not politics it gives an insight into the civil service
Reply 5
^ Aah, it was Longbenton for me! Not too far apart there :smile: You're right though, it can be really insightful.

OP, I'd definately recommend it. There will probably be summer jobs going, so I'd keep my eye out and apply as early as you can.
Reply 6
Id reccomend this site

Its got a jobs section and although a lot of them are full time jobs for grads sometimes voluntary not for profit organistations advertise for volunteers to help out. You might be able to get some work experience there. Its a pretty decent site anyway.
Reply 7
volunteer for Amnesty. perhaps start up an Amnesty youth group in ur school campaigning against human rights abuse. this could link in with Political issues such as Liberty....u could discuss Mill and Hayek on this...
Reply 8
Thats quite a good idea. Btw this will help for your uni application and would be interesting too but dont think its essential to get into uni(unless your applying for oxbridge). I got offers from durham,bristol,warwick etc without having done anything lke that.....its your grades there most concerned about. Also they dont interview so anything you have done you can exaggerate on your personal statement. But dont let me put you off, you should do it.
Reply 9
Thats quite a good idea. Btw this will help for your uni application and would be interesting too but dont think its essential to get into uni(unless your applying for oxbridge). I got offers from durham,bristol,warwick etc without having done anything lke that.....its your grades there most concerned about. Also they dont interview so anything you have done you can exaggerate on your personal statement. But dont let me put you off, you should do it.

Hi i really want to apply for Bristol & Warwick. I got 4A 4B at GCSE and i don't know whther i would be rejected because of this.
Reply 10
[quote="02mik_e"]Hi i really want to apply for Bristol & Warwick. I got 4A 4B at GCSE and i don't know whther i would be rejected because of this.[/quotes

well dont be too worried about your GCSE's. just make sure you get at least 2 or 3 a's in your AS results. also make sure that your PS is amazing. as long as your ooozing with interest on your PS then you stand a good chance
my advice is that you apply to LSE. for their Government course they are not too keen on the GCSE's. they place more emphasis on the personal statement. how do i know this? well this year candidates with 10a*'s got rejected. and a candidate with 1a* 5a's got accepted.

also try participating in a politics debate at your school. or at MUN. read politics books, particularly introductory books on Political theory et al.

good luck. :smile:
Reply 11
Hi i really want to apply for Bristol & Warwick. I got 4A 4B at GCSE and i don't know whther i would be rejected because of this.[/quotes

well dont be too worried about your GCSE's. just make sure you get at least 2 or 3 a's in your AS results. also make sure that your PS is amazing. as long as your ooozing with interest on your PS then you stand a good chance
my advice is that you apply to LSE. for their Government course they are not too keen on the GCSE's. they place more emphasis on the personal statement. how do i know this? well this year candidates with 10a*'s got rejected. and a candidate with 1a* 5a's got accepted.

also try participating in a politics debate at your school. or at MUN. read politics books, particularly introductory books on Political theory et al.

good luck. :smile:

Thanks Jibzy that actually seriously gave me confidence. But ithought LSE like their A*'s :rolleyes: + Rep
Reply 12
how else can i strengthen my application?
Far easier to get it with a local councillor - and it will stand you in much better stead as most people when they do go further down the political line find out that they know little about local authorities and local services so find it harder to either engage with them or have sufficient influence on them. It also makes for bad policy if you don't have an understanding of those you are trying to influence.
Reply 14
Hi i really want to apply for Bristol & Warwick. I got 4A 4B at GCSE and i don't know whther i would be rejected because of this.

I got 2AS 5BS 2CS and got offers from both those unis! So dont worry about your gcses! However try to get all A's at AS. I think thats the reason i got offers. They care much much more about A-level grades and then Personal Statement and GCSEs are probs least important. Good luck!
Reply 15
ermm thanks guys. I wrote an email to my local MP yesterday and he said that he had no work experience vaccancies. A bit dissapointed, but still willing to try and gain some. :frown:
If you don't manage to get experience with your MP, you could look into doing some work at HMRC. OK, it's not directly related to Politics but I've found it a really invaluable experience. Furthermore, a lot of Politics degrees can lead into the civil service. Oh, and the money's good :p:

That sounds interesting, how did you manage to get work experience there?

Also try your local council, or LA, hopefully they'll be able to take you over the summer.
Reply 17
You could do something related to social policy/pressure groups, which is a different part of the political system. Perhaps working with a campaigning group or your local CAB as a volunteer?
Reply 18
Thanks guys. I have contacted my local MP and he said that he did not have anything for me. I have contacted the MP of the borough and he still hasn't replied and i don't think he intends to. I am now going to try Christian aid as that is a pressure group, so they are obviously lobbying which could link in with Politics. :smile:
Thanks guys. I have contacted my local MP and he said that he did not have anything for me. I have contacted the MP of the borough and he still hasn't replied and i don't think he intends to. I am now going to try Christian aid as that is a pressure group, so they are obviously lobbying which could link in with Politics. :smile:

You could try going into the MP's office and ask yourself.. I got lucky with mine I sent an email in and her constituency assistant replied.. They've been really helpful, organising a day in Westminister too!