The Student Room Group

Anyone interviewed with Lazard Financial Advisory?

I've got a first round interview with Lazard on Wednesday for a place as a summer intern in financial advisory. I am being interviewed with a third party (The Cornell Partnership). Has anyone any experience of an interview with them or Lazard? How did your interview go?

I know most first round interviews are just competency based but the e-mail i received did not say it.
Reply 1
Well I can't tell you about the Lazard interview, but I know from experience that The Cornell Partnership interviews are very competency based and kept to strict questions.

Hope that helps! Oh and good luck :smile:

Just remember to brush up on market knowledge / know what's going on too just in case.
hey guys, does anyone have experience with Lazard /The Cornell Partnership/ 1st round interviews? How was the interview structured? As it's with TCP, I guess it will be mainly competency based? Any insight will be appreciated. :smile:
Reply 3
DB- can't help with the question, but can I ask, how long it took for them to get back to you after asking you to do the tests? Also, do they review the app before they send tests out?

Cheers, and good luck with the interview.
hey guys, does anyone have experience with Lazard /The Cornell Partnership/ 1st round interviews? How was the interview structured? As it's with TCP, I guess it will be mainly competency based? Any insight will be appreciated. :smile:

Reply 6

Questions revolve around why m&a, what makes laz different, comp questions and probe any tech knowledge you have.
use the search function, there is someone that posts on here who is in HR for lazard.
Make sure you read up on valuation techniques, especially dcf, as they will ask about these. Keep up to date on financial news and expect a short multiple choice maths test... i interviewed with cornel last year for lazard and others...
Thanks guys, I didnt expect there will be any tech questions. I will definitely look at valuation techniques.

Has anyone worked in lazard? how is the culture like? Are they similar to Rothschild in terms of deal flow?
Reply 10
Thanks guys, I didnt expect there will be any tech questions. I will definitely look at valuation techniques.

Has anyone worked in lazard? how is the culture like? Are they similar to Rothschild in terms of deal flow?

More deal flow. They work their analysts to the bone and are known for doing so.
How much is the starting comp for lazard? And I was under the impression they finished their FT recruitment already?