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Kings Pharmacy Interview tommorrow help!

I would really appreicate it, if anyone who has already had a kings interview for pharmacy, could tell me how it went? im really nervous!! :frown:
And if they could explain the multiple choice calculation and comprehension?

Thanks for reading this! x x x

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Reply 1
hi just wondering if you could tell me how the multiple choice test went? what was in it?? i've got in next week and i am SO SO SO SO SO SO SO nervous. thanks x
Reply 2
well, i dont know about other people, but i found it quite tough, but i really dont think that they even look at the tests, i think they base it mostly on the interview. I thought i completely messed up on the tests n did well on the interview and i got an unconditional offer from them. soo i really wouldn't worry!
Reply 3
aww okay thank you! what's the interview like? is it intense panel? or one on one? i've had only one other interview but that was more like a chat which wasn't really helpful!! thanks for replying though, iv been trying ot find out what its like!! x
Reply 4
well, interview is with 2 people, usually lecturers, one was nice, the other was mean! but just be confident, they do ask weird questions like, what would u do if u didnt understand some of the work?
But i know one person who had the interview with the head of pharmacy and apparantly asked difficult academic questions like on maths and on things about medicines. hopefully u dont get him.
Just read over personal statement, and they do ask quite a lot of work experience. its lasts about 15 - 20mins.
Reply 5
My interview was just a friendly chat and the two I had were sooo nice. A couple of strange questions like 'how will you adapt from a class size of about 15 to a lecture theatre of 100' i just made up something but its not like they were expecting a really good answer. General questions about my personal statement, luckily nothing academic. The obvious 'why pharamcy'. I wouldnt worry too much.

The multiple choice test is quite easy. Its just gcse and they relate it to pharmacy. brush up on your units e.g. milligrams and ratios and percentages. in the comprehension you have to define words frmo an article. the article was about errors made by pharmacists when they misread labels. you might be able to find it online. if i remember correctly its from the PJ in 2001.
Reply 6
aww thank you for the help but i only read it today and had the test and interview on thursday but yeah it was pretty easy!!

this is going to sound a bit stalkerish but zahra_89, did you go a Reading open day and interview on the 20th February (i think)? cos i met a girl called zahra nd just wondered if it was you!!
Reply 7
aww thank you for the help but i only read it today and had the test and interview on thursday but yeah it was pretty easy!!

this is going to sound a bit stalkerish but zahra_89, did you go a Reading open day and interview on the 20th February (i think)? cos i met a girl called zahra nd just wondered if it was you!!

No worries. Yeah I did go to the Reading open day on the 20th. Whats your name?
Reply 8
my name's Farhana
Reply 9
Ohhh yeah! I remember you. How are you? Did your interview go okay at Reading? I don't think I saw you after because you went before me and by the time I came out I think you'd already gone.
Reply 10
ahhhhh!! Yeah i went back into the room because i was gna wait for you to get the bus and then you werent there so i went to the bus stop to see if you were there but you werent and a bus came! yeah the interview went pretty well, they gave me an offer, but i got an offer from Kings yesterday so i think i'm gna go with that! how about you ? x
Reply 11
Congratulations on the offer!

I've put Kings as my firm and Reading as my insurance. So I'm guessing I'll probably meet you again. :smile:
Reply 12
ahh that's cool! small world! I think i'm gonna do the same, although i might not put Reading down at all, still can't decide.

good luck with exams!
Interview ok, all I will say is be prepared to defend yourself and your actions/choice of subject study, (or in my case, only having Maths to GCSE level :smile: ) without sounding too defensive.

Multiple choice ok - converting e.g. you receive a script for 0.2mg/5ml solution of x. Patient is asked to take 20mg twice daily. How much in each dose? fractions! and a question on moles

Good luck!! its not as bad as you think. K.
Reply 14
How would you go about defending yourself for not doing maths at AS??? =(
Reply 15
what do you mean by defending yourself do you have to explain why your didn't choose the right subjects?
HEyy i was just wondering if someone could help me. I have an interview at kings on wednesday and i am really worried as really wanna get in. COuld i have some help with the maths test thing, is it like mental maths stuff, or harder like moles and things and so should we do a bit of chemistry in preparation, because i havent done maths in a couple of years sicne did it at gcse, what bits of the syllabus should i really focus on. and what is the comphrension thing about, i have read it is coming up with five different words to describe something but im not sure, if someone could explain it again. Thanks
How would you go about defending yourself for not doing maths at AS??? =(

Say you wanted a broader range of subjects rather than the linear, typical, Bio, Chem, Maths. Say your other choices gave you better skills that would have helped you immensely, specifically for pharmacy.
Say you wanted a broader range of subjects rather than the linear, typical, Bio, Chem, Maths. Say your other choices gave you better skills that would have helped you immensely, specifically for pharmacy.

HEyy can you help me with the mutliple choice and c omphrension and just explain what its like and what they ask skysantosh please
I posted this on the other thread u posted in but ill repaste:

The maths is just gcse maths mostly, percentages, fractions and ratios. Dont be fooled, its hard, but the gcse methods apply i think. Chemistry dint come up in it at all, it had a question relating to moles but as far as i know you couldnt use chemistry to actually work that question out. The comprehension is basically they will give you a word, i.e customer and say give the meaning in x number of words. Thats all, after a few of those questions, they will ask some questions pertaining to the article that they give.

Gd luck, i wouldnt be too stressed by the exam though, the interview is the big one.

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