The Student Room Group
Reply 1
It's called anthropomorphism.

Look it up.
Teddy bears were created to resemble US President Teddy Roosevelt--a big burly man, who was tough (Spanish-American war) but could also be really gentle (he was the first major proponent of nature preservation).
Reply 3
Why are humans so much into bears? Even children are taught that their "Teddy Bear" can be their own little friend. What's so special about bears?

I hate them.
Reply 4
Awwww they're so cutesy wutesy :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
Reply 5
Awwww they're so cutesy wutesy :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

Yeah, until you meet one one in the middle of nowhere.
Reply 6
Teddy bears were created to resemble US President Teddy Roosevelt--a big burly man, who was tough (Spanish-American war) but could also be really gentle (he was the first major proponent of nature preservation).

I thought it was because he was out hunting one day an refused to kill a bear cub. (or is that apocryphal?) I have to confess your version sounds more plausible.
Reply 7
It's called anthropomorphism.

Look it up.

My God. A polysyllabic word. We appear to have a genius on our hands.
I thought it was because he was out hunting one day an refused to kill a bear cub. (or is that apocryphal?) I have to confess your version sounds more plausible.

I saw a little segment about it in a documentary, and they really weren't able to substantiate the bear cub story. It could be true, though. I was concerned that someone would laugh that off, though, so I went for the personality comparison. Although, probably, the bear cub story is was sold the teddy bears.
Reply 9
Teddy bears are just so darn cuddly!
Reply 10
Teddy bears were created to resemble US President Teddy Roosevelt--a big burly man, who was tough (Spanish-American war) but could also be really gentle (he was the first major proponent of nature preservation).

Actually it was based on a story about Teddy Roosevelt which endeared him to the Americans. The story is he went hunting and could have killed a bear to impress everyone but he didn't and made some speech about it. One woman was so moved by the story that she made "Teddy's Bear" and people started buying them. Next thing you know they are really popular and becomes a childhood staple to have a teddy bear.
Whether or not the story is true I have no idea but the teddy bear was made based on the story rather than to look like Teddy Roosevelt. Though some of them sort of to.
I hate to get all serious, but our evolution has made us feel caring towards small cute things (our children) and considering that we where once much more furry it is hardly surprising that people find small furry animals cute.
Reply 12
It's called anthropomorphism.

Look it up.

I looked it're right.


Attribution of human motivation, characteristics, or behavior to inanimate objects, animals, or natural phenomena.
Reply 13
ahh bears, a good topic

I live in the land of bears, many close encouters with them. They have taken my garbage on numerous occasions.

One time i was fishing of a beach, and i had my fish about 20 feet behind me, a bear came out, took the fish. I chased it down for a while, but they are dam fast.

Another time i saw some yank tourists trying to feed a bear on the side of the road, christ, what a dumbass.

Although, a bear has never harmed a human being on vancouver island.

I dont fear the bear, i dont love it, but, they sure do have a personality.
Reply 14
My God. A polysyllabic word. We appear to have a genius on our hands.

Why, thank you.
Reply 15
I hate to get all serious, but our evolution has made us feel caring towards small cute things (our children) and considering that we where once much more furry it is hardly surprising that people find small furry animals cute.

Psychological research on the brain shows that when people look at things we describe as "cute" (i.e. babies, small things) the same chemicals that are released during orgasm are released in our brains. Which is why we find "cute" things so enjoyable.
Reply 16
Teddy bears were created to resemble US President Teddy Roosevelt--a big burly man, who was tough (Spanish-American war) but could also be really gentle (he was the first major proponent of nature preservation).

That's not quite correct. From what I know the teddy bear was created by some German woman who had Polio, and it was simply named after Theodore.
Teddy bears are just so darn cuddly!

I agree! Still sleep with my teddy coz he's so soft and squishy. I think people like bears because lots of people grow up with them in their prams and just accept them as a friend. I may be biased as my first word was 'teddy' :tongue: But you just have to love them :smile: