hold my breath whilst standing or sitting or lying down it doesnt make any difference. (as in i can do it in any position and itgets rid of the hiccups)
I take a mouth full of water then tilt my head as far back as i can whilst swallowing it. Works every time
I drink a glass of water upside down (as in tilt my head forwards not back) so basically the same thing. It actually does work every time, the only thing that has ever had any success!
I hold my breath for a minute, then take another breath and hold that for 45 seconds, then again for 30 seconds, by which time the hiccups have always gone.
doesnt matter which way i drink the water- BUT.....everytime I try to get rid of it by drinking water Ive ended up drinking loads and goin to the looo every now n then..lmao. neva workssss. i jus guess it really depends on the individual- strange science!
I imagine some of my male friends dressed in french maid outfits doing the can-can to the "duh-da-duh-da-duh-da-da-da-da" bit of "Cant take my eyes off you"
For some reason it works. Maybe because it makes me laugh!
Though getting someone to unexpectedly scare you works too. I remember in Year 7, during PSHE, I got the hiccups really bad, and people just kept staring and losing concentration, until our form tutor shouted "CONCENTRATE GIRLS!". Hiccups disappeared straight away.
I had them last night...my mate tried several things to try and rid me of them. The only one that worked was him picking me up and literally holding me upside down. Worked a treat.
I just drink a bit of water normally and they go away. It's slightly painful, it's like a lot of pressure in your throat...but only for a second or two, then it goes away.
Ah, I hate it when you're eating something quickly (something like mashed potato) and you can feel the hiccup coming. You try your best to not let it happen - usually this results in me just sitting there, halting mastication temporarily, motionless for several minutes, with parents at the table staring at you thinking wtf
How can you drink out the wrong side of a cup / bottle!? Which side is the wrong side?
Drink from the opposite side to which you normally drink (i.e. the side furthest away from you). Means tilting your heading forward a lot, and probably wise to do it over a sink- but works every time.