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Reply 1
How old are you exactly? (If you don't mind me asking!)
Reply 2
It really depends on your ages.
If you're 14 and he's 32 there will be some problems, but If you're 25 and he's 43 it could last...

I mean, the age difference really depends on the actual age. There's more difference from 18 to 20 than let's say from 30 to 35.
My Mum and Dad had about 9 years between them, and at the time she was 18 and he was whatever age. It lasted about 5 years or something, and I think amidst all the arguments and their incompatibility it was ultimately down to them wanting different things. While she wanted to go out and have fun with her friends, he was content with sitting in night after night.

If it works it works, but Im guessing you're no older than about 24, most likely younger, so the age gap could cause difficulties due to you wanting different things from the relationship.

Saying that, no-one can possibly tell you how long it will last, though if you're having doubts (as I suspect, considering the nature of your OP) then maybe re-evaluate the situation?
It really depends on your ages.
If you're 14 and he's 32 there will be some problems, but If you're 25 and he's 43 it could last...

I mean, the age difference really depends on the actual age. There's more difference from 18 to 20 than let's say from 30 to 35.

I dont think there's much difference at all between 18 and 20. Im 18 and most of my friends at uni are 20+ because they've come over from ireland and done degrees previously. Im seeing a guy who's 21 and I dont notice the age difference at all, apart from the fact he's more mature than guys my own age.

I think there's more difference from, say, 16 to 20, than from 18 to 22...
:| And I thought my 5 year age-gap with my boyfriend was bigish...

My dad was 20 years older than my mum (yes really) and it lasted about 10 years I think. They had so many problems in marriage though, just very different people.
Reply 6
My partner is 20 years older :smile: I love him and he loves me.
Reply 7
I dont think there's much difference at all between 18 and 20. Im 18 and most of my friends at uni are 20+ because they've come over from ireland and done degrees previously. Im seeing a guy who's 21 and I dont notice the age difference at all, apart from the fact he's more mature than guys my own age.

I think there's more difference from, say, 16 to 20, than from 18 to 22...

No wait, I mean that each person grows up very much 18-20 (more than he/she'll be doing 30-35).

An age gap between girls and boys is normal, usually the boy is/should be 3, 5 years older or more.
Where I'm originally from (Italy) girls almost never go with guys their age.
theres 5 yrs difference with my parents and they're still together and theres 3 yrs with my bf and ive never been happier
My husband is 13 years my senior - we met when I had just turned 19 (I'm now 32) and we're still going strong. :smile: I think that once you have matured and reached that adult mindset then age just becomes a number.
My husband is 13 years my senior - we met when I had just turned 19 (I'm now 32) and we're still going strong. :smile: I think that once you have matured and reached that adult mindset then age just becomes a number.

Oh my God I first read this and 'junior' not senior and was horrified that a 19 year old would 'meet' and date a 6 year old lol!!

But phew, read it straight now, all well and good!
lol, no I'm not a cradle-snatcher :smile:
Reply 12
My nan was 15 years younger than my grandpa, they married when my nan was about 20 and stayed together until he died age 85 :smile:
Reply 13
No wait, I mean that each person grows up very much 18-20 (more than he/she'll be doing 30-35).

An age gap between girls and boys is normal, usually the boy is/should be 3, 5 years older or more.
Where I'm originally from (Italy) girls almost never go with guys their age.

Care to explain? Why 'should' the boy be 3.5 years older??
Reply 14
Care to explain? Why 'should' the boy be 3.5 years older??

Well, it's not a rule of course. I just think a relationship works better when the man is +3/5

For several
- a girl should feel protected by her man, and an older man usually give more security feeling than a young boy
- the man usually likes to feel more experienced than his girl (in all fields), he thinks to have more to offer if he's older

Try to say at what age a man/girl is more attactive...
I think a girl is most attractive when she's like 18-20, a man is most attractive when he's like 27-30 have a nice nick.
Reply 15
I don't think you can put an age when girls/boys are most attractive. That depends entirely on the individual. And also, the age gap is entirely individual - a relationship doesn't work better because of the age gap, it works better because of the people in it!
My boyfriend is younger than me, 3.5 years-ish, and tbh, regarding the example you gave as to feeling protected - I couldn't be happier....

And thanks btw :smile:
Reply 16
its only an issue if you make it an issue really
It's just like any relationship- it'll last however long it's meant to last. The age isn't really a factor in that, unless like dh00001 said, you make it one.

Mine lasted a year and a half nearly.
Reply 18

My boyfriend is younger than me, 3.5 years-ish,

I think we come from different backgrounds, I don't think an Italian 20 yo girl would ever go with a 17 yo :p: (and I don't like this prejudice)

Of course everything related to relationships are small talks, each single person is completly different. Don't take seriously what I say.
Reply 19
How old are you exactly? (If you don't mind me asking!)

I'm 18, that's the problem ;/