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I've seen people on TSR getting 12+ A*s.

The best I know of in real life is 10 A*s and 2 As.
Reply 2
Something like 20 A*s or summat. Trawl the BBC website and your bouund to find a sufficient array of examples of how meaningless GCSE's are nowadays....
My sister got 9 A*s and 1 A

A bit difficult for me to beat, as I'm only doing 9!
Reply 4
My brother got 12 A*s but he then went on to get DDEUU at AS (he changed from an all boys boarding school to a mixed 6th form college)
Reply 5
every year in my school, we give the person with the top grades a prize. This year it went to a person with: 7A*s, 3A's and a B

Hope to beat that!!!
12 A*'s
Well, one of my friends got 9.5 A*s, and 2 top 5s. But I'm sure she could've got more A*s if she'd done more GCSEs, but for us that wasn't an option. Unless you could speak another language in which case they basically make you do the GCSE, and AS/A-Level.
Reply 8
Straight A*.
She was intelligent- one of my best friends too!
Reply 9
A girl in my year got 10A*'s.
She isn't going to university. She wants to work on the tennis courts.
I hate her. (v.stuck up!)
Reply 10
11 A*'s
Reply 11
I know someone who got 13A*s. She appeared to do no work either. It's sickening :p:
10A*'s and an A, but that wasn't even in my own school- it was a guy in the boy's school next to ours. In our school, I know a girl who got 9A*'s and 3A's. Not as amazing as some people I've heard of, but still very good.
A lot of my brother's friends received 11 A*s, which were well deserved. :tongue:
There is a girl in my year, Who done hers early and got 12 A*s and an A. She still wasnt pleased :eek:.
I know somebody who got 11A*s. Didn't even get an interview at Oxford...shows grades aren't everything.
My brother got 12 A*s but he then went on to get DDEUU at AS (he changed from an all boys boarding school to a mixed 6th form college)

Yeh, but on the plus side, there were girls there :biggrin: . Best I know of is 14 A*s, she's currently doing 6 A Levels and predicted straight As :eek:
Reply 17
About eight people in my year (maybe more, I don't know) got 10 or 11 A*s. And unless I imagined it, I think someone got 12 A*s.
Reply 18
I know someone who got 13A*s. She appeared to do no work either. It's sickening :p:

Lol yeah. Don't you just hate that?
Soo annoying, although I'm sure they go home and probably work.
Some girl at some school near me got 14A* - she was in the paper!