The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
get a paper round?
I think you can be a KP from 14. check out some resturants/pubs near by.
Reply 3
this might sound stupid but whats a KP ?
Reply 4
Kitchen Porter. Washing up dishes
Reply 5
I started working part time as a receptionist at a beauty salon from the age of 14. Decent jobs can be found young!
Reply 6
15 year olds get absoulty rip-off wages... anyway try the oldest profession around... (joke i hope)
Reply 7
ooo thanks :biggrin:
Reply 8
15 year olds get absoulty rip-off wages... anyway try the oldest profession around... (joke i hope)

Depends entirely on the employer and the job. I started at 4.80 which, for a 14 year old I would consider fair and a good wage.
Reply 9
Depends entirely on the employer and the job. I started at 4.80 which, for a 14 year old I would consider fair and a good wage.

Yeah a very good wage... when i was 14 some of my friends worked for around 2 quid an hour...
hi :smile:

im 15 and im looking for a job ethier in dunstable or houghton regis

does anybody know where i can get one :s-smilie:

thanks :biggrin:

My sisters 15 and she works at BHS, they hire a lot of 15 year olds i think so I'd get an applicationform from there. I think they preffer hiring them because they can pay them less.

Good luck!!:smile:
Reply 11
thanks guys :biggrin:
Try asking in shops etc to see if they want staff.
Reply 13
Try sainsburys - the one i work in has a few 15 year olds working there.
Ive hears you can work at pizza hut as a waitress .. not 100% sure.. im looking for a job too at 15. :frown: its hard work just finding one lol! x
Reply 15
iam 15 lookin for a job in dunfermline dunno wat 2 get can some1 help plz x
Reply 16
my sister works at mcdonalds and gets £4.00 an hour
i recently turned 16 (in may) but i couldn't find any where that would hire a 15 year old a couple of my friends worked in stables and nursing homes and such, but robert dyas will hire 15 year olds and so will other places, you have to ask around though .
I thought it was against the law for shops, restaurants and bars to employ people below 16?!
Reply 19
iyaa, does anyone know were i can get a saturday job from. :s-smilie: