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Reply 1
I have no idea what it is...
Reply 2
Er it's flavoured tobbacco smoked through a water pipe. It isn't a drug y'know.
Reply 3
one of my friends who lives in middle east mentioned its really really bad for health- even worse than fags- but im not too sure about that- Ive neva tried it though. lets do some searching on the net about this then- lmao
Reply 4
It's not meant to be harmful. I think it depends what is in it and a lot of people use cannabis.
Some crazy people even use Vodka instead of water and have that with weed.

Never tried it.
I've heard it's like 'flavoured smoke'. That is how the real shisha is like.
Not meant to get you high. If it does there's something in it.
Reply 5
Theres a shisha bar in bournemouth I have been to a few times... Isnt affected by the smoking ban because the smoke has none of the **** in it. It just tastes like flavoured air, dosent feel like your smoking atall.

Nowt to worry about, althought it is a bit rubbish.
Reply 6
It's not as bad as having a fag, the smoke is cooled and filtered through the water, but as you are aware tobbaco is a carcinogen and this is still the case with shisha. I had it once, you get minimal effects (I was a non-smoke and didn't feel anything) and a small bit of taste. It is just meh lol, a nice social thing to do though. It won't hurt to try it.
Reply 8
one of my friends who lives in middle east mentioned its really really bad for health- even worse than fags- but im not too sure about that- Ive neva tried it though. lets do some searching on the net about this then- lmao

Thats because if you are a regular smoker of shisha rather than tobbacco you are supposed to have a higher risk of mouth cancer. It's to do with the way you smoke it, holding it in your mouth longer to get the flavour and also how long. Whereas an average smoker might have 10 ciggarettes in a day, a shisha user will spend longer actually smoking as it is deemed to be a social situation.
Reply 9
It's yummy.

The shisha I have has no tobacco or nicotine. It's made from shredded sugar cane, molasses and flavouring. Therefore it isn't hugely harmful.

If you are smoking the standard tobacco-based shisha then it is harmful to your health. Cigarettes have filters...a hookah doesn' you are breathing in pure fumes.

But's nothing to do with drugs...but too many people abuse hookahs by using them for smoking weed like they would use a bong. DIrty feckers ¬____¬
Reply 10
Arguably it's as bad or worse than smoking cigarettes. No conclusive evidence but just like anything else doing it too often is bad for you.
Reply 11
Thats because if you are a regular smoker of shisha rather than tobbacco you are supposed to have a higher risk of mouth cancer. It's to do with the way you smoke it, holding it in your mouth longer to get the flavour and also how long. Whereas an average smoker might have 10 ciggarettes in a day, a shisha user will spend longer actually smoking as it is deemed to be a social situation.

Surely you mean lung cancer as you do not hold shisha smoke in your mouth?

When using a hookah and smoking shisha, you suck the smoke directly into your lungs. There is no huge need to hold it in either as the flavour generally hits your tastebuds when you exhale.
Reply 12
Er it's flavoured tobbacco smoked through a water pipe. It isn't a drug y'know.

tobacco is a drug?
Reply 13
if your asian then your kinda born into loving it lol.. like myself..
Its got 1% tobbaco I THINK..
Tis great enit yo!
Surely you mean lung cancer as you do not hold shisha smoke in your mouth?

When using a hookah and smoking shisha, you suck the smoke directly into your lungs. There is no huge need to hold it in either as the flavour generally hits your tastebuds when you exhale.

Ah maybe it was that, I read the study quite a while ago. Only tried it once myself, always seemed a bit pansyish to me. :redface:
tobacco is a drug?

I meant drug as in the daily mail sense of the word :smile:
Reply 16
It's pleasant enough in moderation.
Reply 17
I love it , no matter how bad!
Reply 18
It's no worse than a fag... if anything it's not as bad. If you put weed in it, then obviously that's different.
Reply 19
always seemed a bit pansyish to me.

I'd love for you to go and say that to all the old men out there in the eastern world who smoke it, heh