So, all 4 rejections from uni for medicine! I hold an offer for ChemEng at UCL but i dont think ill be doing that! So a gap year as long as my grades are AAB at the end of this year or off i go to UCL or a Biomed course somewhere... Praying i get AAB... anyone else in the same kinda boat? what you guys doing!!? only for people who are taking forced gap years... reasons for rejections? where did u apply... if anyone who posts in here who has offers i will hunt you down lol i hate you offer people....
hey cheer up, I'm on a gap year now after getting 4 rejections last year and I'm having such an amazing time, it's been the best thing ever. You can earn money, get more experience, travel and just enjoy the freedom of doing whatever you want really. Identify where you went wrong this year and work on strengthening your app for next time.
can i jump straight to the gold award? they are doing it in my school and i want to do it but i always thought you have to do bronze, silver then gold? im looking forward to a relaxing year of just need AAB... they all said come back with AAB cos well my AS levels sucked! but the UKCAT again and im going to do the BMAT this time and apply to UCL... i wish i could go back to gcse and have tried a lot harder got a bunch of A*s and been able to apply to cambridge! but i guess i should concentrate on getting 4 A's... anyone do exams in jan? howd they go? i got my AS u to AABC hopefully AAAC after this open book retake!
can i jump straight to the gold award? they are doing it in my school and i want to do it but i always thought you have to do bronze, silver then gold? im looking forward to a relaxing year of just need AAB... they all said come back with AAB cos well my AS levels sucked! but the UKCAT again and im going to do the BMAT this time and apply to UCL... i wish i could go back to gcse and have tried a lot harder got a bunch of A*s and been able to apply to cambridge! but i guess i should concentrate on getting 4 A's... anyone do exams in jan? howd they go? i got my AS u to AABC hopefully AAAC after this open book retake!
You don't have to do them in order as far as I know... Best to check though.
I'm in the process of completing the bronze and silver, so I've never checked.
can i jump straight to the gold award? they are doing it in my school and i want to do it but i always thought you have to do bronze, silver then gold? im looking forward to a relaxing year of just need AAB... they all said come back with AAB cos well my AS levels sucked! but the UKCAT again and im going to do the BMAT this time and apply to UCL... i wish i could go back to gcse and have tried a lot harder got a bunch of A*s and been able to apply to cambridge! but i guess i should concentrate on getting 4 A's... anyone do exams in jan? howd they go? i got my AS u to AABC hopefully AAAC after this open book retake!
You can do Gold straight away without having done any of the other awards previously.
Edit: It does take a long time to complete the whole thing though, at least a year and a half.
can i jump straight to the gold award? they are doing it in my school and i want to do it but i always thought you have to do bronze, silver then gold?
You can jump straight into gold award, I did you just have to do either service, skill or recreational activity for 18 months rather than 12 which is only for ppl who have done bronze and silver-working their way up.
I've got Edinburgh left to hear from, so basically taking a forced gap year next year... should still be good though! Earn some money, get some work experience, do all I can to strengthen my application. I may kill myself/ take a degree in Spanish if I don't get in next year though.
It's my 2nd yr of reapplying and it looks like I'm going to be rejected AGAIN Although this time I'm not sure what to do? Possibly an alternative course or go elsewhere for Medicine.
A gap yr's really what you make of it! I'm not doing anything particularly exciting just working/chilling but it's nice to have a bit of time off..
It's my 2nd yr of reapplying and it looks like I'm going to be rejected AGAIN Although this time I'm not sure what to do? Possibly an alternative course or go elsewhere for Medicine.
A gap yr's really what you make of it! I'm not doing anything particularly exciting just working/chilling but it's nice to have a bit of time off..
Same boat as you are exactly a year ago and re-applied this year (got one offer so far), really gap year is not so bad. Just work on your grades and ensure you get AAB or above!
Just got my 4th 'unsuccessful'. Not feeling good about it, but chances are I'm gonna take my Manchester Chem Eng offer and run.
I diddn't think you were a coward. Look at all those people who took a gap year and it payed off, in 40 years you'll see a field of missed opportunities and what ifs if you don't give it another shot. You owe yourself that much, at least.
By all means, take your offer as firm, then if you get the grades, you can pull out of UCAS, or take it.
Just got my 4th 'unsuccessful'. Not feeling good about it, but chances are I'm gonna take my Manchester Chem Eng offer and run.
no way! sorry to hear that dude!
i recon you should do what wangers said, at least see what you get in august and then decide whether you want to do a gap year you have plenty of time to do decide right now anyways?