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It's not brilliant but it's not bad either. It's one of those subjects that is a good subject at GCSE level (History, Geography, Drama, Art, Music) but maybe has gone down a level in appreciation (Drama, Music) but is still good.
Reply 2
Yes it is. Unfortunately so. Top-tier universities have a tendency to not accept it. Or it has to be backed up with 2/3 other academic subjects. You should check with the universities you plan to apply. Most of them actually list out what they consider acceptable. Oxford is one of them, that is pretty safe to use as a standard.

It is also depends on what you wish to do in university. If it is Law, Politics, Medicine etc. that is academically heavy it is not wise. But I say as long as you have three other safe options, no harm. Drama is fun. :smile:
Reply 3
Yes. HOWEVER I do it & it really isn't the doss people think it is. If you enjoy it, go for it it can get very interesting at this level.
If you enjoy it, do it

I wanted to do it so bad, but I took chemistry instead because I thought I needed it for a course at Uni. Now I don't even want to do that course, I've dropped the subject but all I can do is wish I'd done it.

DON'T REGRET YOUR A-LEVEL CHOICES. It's not fun. If you really want to do it- ***k everyone else!
Reply 5
depends what you want to do afterwards. I would definitely take 4 if you take drama.
Reply 6
history & geography have gone down in appreciation?:s-smilie:

Cat-x - if you're wanting to study maths or history etc. at uni then yes it maybe considered a soft option i suppose - but if you're wanting to do something drama related then of course its not! it all depends on what you want to do really - if you're wanting to do something drama related at uni etc. then a maths A level maybe not the most useful thing to have under your belt - but then again i guess drama is much easier than maths / chemistry, tho theres some chemists who couldnt do drama to save their lives and theres still loads of work in drama a level (all my year who take drama are panicing about coursework majorlyy)... sooo if you wanna take drama then take it! do what you enjoy rather than what other people consider to be the 'soft' option
Reply 7
cheers guys :smile:
it may seem like a soft option but the work really isnt!!!! it is probably the heavy loaded work out of all the subjects i have to be committed with rehearsals which takes away weekends and many also have to write a 4000 word portfolio about your play...and lastly you have a 3 hour really it isnt a soft option in the form of its a bit of a shame some universities treat drama like that as it is actually really hard work!! Also only 30% of your exam will be practical the other 70% is based on your exams and essay writing!!!!
Reply 9
Yeah many people would probably say it is. I'm doing Drama and Theatre Studies which i love it's going brilliantly, got our practicaly performance on the 4th May! Ahhh! I also do English Lit and i though that and Drama and Theatre Studies complimented each other quite well. Overall do what you want to do, who cares about other people and what they say. If you enjoy it, go for it! Sometimes i regret taking my subject and think that i should have gone for the sciences instead, as was the orginial plan, but i thought i'd drown in the amount and depth of the work so therefore re-thought my subjects. Still, theres always that question, "what if..."
Reply 10
I hate when people think drama is an easy option or something. I don't call ten two-page essays for coursework easy, & it does take over your life somewhat, with lines that have to be learnt, essays that have to be written & rehearsals at what seems like every spare minute. That said, I love every second of it. :smile: Some of the most fun people I've ever met are in my drama class, & it's so much fun, such a relief from other subjects that are all about passing the exam. Of course drama's about passing an exam too, at the end of the day, but you sort of forget about that... we had a brief discussion about the exam the other day, actually, & we all looked at each other like "******, we actually have an EXAM about all this."

Sorry for the essay, I love drama more than is normal. :smile: Just do what you want & what you'll enjoy. :smile:
Reply 11
It's not brilliant but it's not bad either. It's one of those subjects that is a good subject at GCSE level (History, Geography, Drama, Art, Music) but maybe has gone down a level in appreciation (Drama, Music) but is still good.

This is actually a problem I am currently experiencing. I am in lower sixth form studying AS Drama and Theatre Studies however, I know that ALOT of universities do not accept it as an A-Level. If anyone studies Drama you will know that it is far from easy, the coursework and written exams are hell. With Drama I study German, Literature and Language and by far find Drama the more difficult...

So no, Drama is NOT a soft option, far from it. However, some universities do not recognize it. I suggest before you decide as to whether to take it onto A2 Level you perhaps e-mail some of the universities you are interested in applying for and find out as to whether they see it as an A-Level.
yes it is.
Maybe. But not, of course, if you want to take Drama at university.

A-levels are a bit peculiar these days, what with the spoon-feeding and rampant grade inflation; I personally would regard someone with a Drama A-level as a more rounded and creative individual than someone who'd managed to get a raft of A grades in a narrow band of science or humanities courses.

Of course, I would only think that if they'd got a decent mark (at least a B) in Drama...
Reply 14
Drama is percieved to be a soft option, yes, and unfortunately i don't think this opinion will change much anytime soon. However, i found both my english language and literature AS's to be easier than my drama AS (though i did do this a year early). If you're good at english you will find it fairly manageable.
Reply 15
I dont understand how people can think that Drama is a soft option! Over the two year course I have had 4 extreamly difficult written exams consisting of 4 script analysis essays, 2 in-depth studies of theatre practitioners, play reviews and directorial ideas. Combined with that has been 2 stressful practical exams which has taken over my life with all the rehersals as well as the coursework which goes with them. And so NO, Drama is not a soft option.
Reply 16
it was bloody hard if you ask me
Reply 17
Anyone who says it's a rubbish subject is way too close minded. The main advice I've heard from EVERYONE is take what you love, not what you think you should take to be respected. You don't want to end up dropping out taking loads of subjects you don't like but are 'respected'.
im in the same position as you.

if you enjoy it then do it... dont hate 2 years because you chose to do english lit because it looks good to oxford.

drama is so under rated. IT CAN BE VERY HARD. coursework, scripts, lights, techinal stuff, timing, practising, devising, controlling a group. I HATE HOW PEOPLE THINK ITS A SOFT OPTION. im predicted an A* in my GCSE but i still find it challening... more goes into it then into a maths exam or an enlish essay.

so my advice would be to do it... with 2 traditional subjects :smile:
Reply 19
*drama is killing me slowly.