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Um, I feel emotionally crippled that the one time in my life I suck it up to do this it's thrown back in my face?

But not to worry, because I have an amazing plan for how to avoid this - continue to never approach girls.
Reply 2
Yeah I've been going down the tis_me_lord route for a while, but I think it's time to move on now :smile:
Reply 3
Me: *Usual rubbish ice-breaker chat up line*

Her: **** off, not interested.

Me: Sorry you must of misheard me, I said you look fat in that dress.

*walks off*
Reply 4
But not to worry, because I have an amazing plan for how to avoid this - continue to never approach girls.

^Absolutely a prime example.

How do females interpret said response?
Reply 5
I'm usually drunk when I get rejected, so... Although, this one guy who was rejected by my sister after lieing about being a professional footballer called her a lesbian?! And was all 'I knew you must've been after you rejected me.' She just kinda played along to get him to go away...
Reply 6
Me: *Usual rubbish ice-breaker chat up line*

Her: **** off, not interested.

Me: Sorry you must of misheard me, I said you look fat in that dress.

*walks off*

Haha! :biggrin:
Tell them that's the last time you'll accept money from her parents to approach her.
Reply 8
just walk away, if you start insulting them then youve got no chance of them changing their mind
Reply 9
Some girls can be evil bitches when a guy shows interest in them. Its like if the guy isn't totally gorgeous they express total disgust that he dare talk to them. How men have any self confidence left after all that rejection in their teenage years is beyond me.
god just walk away

or in my case don't try
The Black Chuck Norris
Tell them that's the last time you'll accept money from her parents to approach her.

ha ha ha , rep for you!
^Absolutely a prime example.

How do females interpret said response?

Prime example of what? Your original post never actually stated a point it just asked a question...
This is my opinion, that if you simply walk you have lost anyway. There is a cause for action and I think as a man you should show a woman who is boss.
The Black Chuck Norris
Tell them that's the last time you'll accept money from her parents to approach her.

I think that's actually pretty funny.

I personally wouldn't put myself in a situation where I could be rejected because I don't think I'd like the feeling.

When I meet girls in clubs it's because a) we're introduced through mutual friends; b) she comes up to me and introduces herself; or c) she makes it obvious that she'd like me to come say hello.

I'm really pretty confident but I don't just go up to girls cold and start a conversation. Not in clubs. It's a bit too ... transparent and weird ... and I don't think it ever leads to good conversation.

Besides, I'm picky when it comes to girls and I find that I'm more likely to find the sort I like in a different setting where you see a more holistic view of them (i.e. not just how they look and dress but also how cultured, educated, classy etc. they are).

Sometimes I do wish that I did just walk up to girls in clubs, though. I often regret not doing it.

One thing I will say is that it is awful when some guy gets rejected, takes it badly, starts calling the girl names and pretending like he wasn't interested all along. If you're going to suffer the pain of rejection, don't compound things by drawing attention to yourself and behaving like a hormonal teenager!!!
Reply 15
A simple beheading usually sorts out any underlying issues I have with her.

Really though, it's never happened to me so I don't know. But I'd probably just walk away. I doubt I would be that bothered.
I've been with some amazing girls, and most of the time I have had to initiate it. "Successes" come with "rejections" in my opinion.
Some girls can be evil bitches when a guy shows interest in them. Its like if the guy isn't totally gorgeous they express total disgust that he dare talk to them. How men have any self confidence left after all that rejection in their teenage years is beyond me.

I see this happen pretty regularly to one of my friends at uni. I don't understand how he puts up with it. One time, a friend of the girl he was hitting on shoved him away, waved her finger at him, and said "no". It was absolutely hilarious for us but surely mortifying for the poor boy.

I don't actually understand why some girls get so offended that a guy has spoken to them, though ... when ugly girls (or, at least, ones to whom I'm not attracted) make the effort to chat to me in a club, I'm always polite and chat back ... why anyone wouldn't be, I don't know?!?! I think it is maybe an insecurity thing - I've noticed that posher girls don't do this whereas the chavs often do.
Reply 18
Males - If you get rejected, how do you take it?

Well, up the arse I guess. Only option left.
I've been with some amazing girls, and most of the time I have had to initiate it. "Successes" come with "rejections" in my opinion.

That is similar to one of my mate's tactics. He isn't the best looking guy (IMHO) but gets an UN-BEL-IEV-ABLE amount of action. He has had some truly beautiful girls and some dogs. If a girl rejects him, he just laughs and thinks that many girls who are far more attractive than she is have fancied him at one stage or another.

Mind you, he does still get seriously ripped by the boys if he gets a public rejection!!!!