(Anonymouse because...well it's a bit embarassing isn't it)
So I was washing myself the other day down below, and I'm a bit of a hypochondriac so I generally check things over once in a while just to make sure nothing unusual has cropped up. I'm generally pretty thorough when I check myself over and when I pulled the hoof of my clit back, I noticed two white bumps close together on the right hand side of my clitoris, quite a way up (as in, not right at the tip).
They are not painful at all, but are quite sensitive when they are touched directly (not in a really painful way though) - if I hadn't seen them, I wouldn't know they are there at all. I don't even notice them when masturbating either. They look a little like little blisters I guess, but they clearly don't have any fluid in them and as I said they're not painful.
I'm just a little worried because I have no idea what they are - at first I thought they could be genital warts, but they looked nothing like any images on the web, and as I've only had one sexual partner (and it's impossible for him to have given me anything as he didn't do anything sexual at all with his first girlfriend apart from kissing - we were both virgins when we got together, and he had no genital contact with his other ex) it's impossible for either of us to have picked something up from anywhere else for me to have become infected with something
So any ideas what this could be about? I can't find any help on the net and I don't really want to go to the doctor if I can avoid it, though obviously if people think I should have it checked out I will.