The Student Room Group

Clitoral lumps (bit long)

(Anonymouse because...well it's a bit embarassing isn't it)

So I was washing myself the other day down below, and I'm a bit of a hypochondriac so I generally check things over once in a while just to make sure nothing unusual has cropped up. I'm generally pretty thorough when I check myself over and when I pulled the hoof of my clit back, I noticed two white bumps close together on the right hand side of my clitoris, quite a way up (as in, not right at the tip).

They are not painful at all, but are quite sensitive when they are touched directly (not in a really painful way though) - if I hadn't seen them, I wouldn't know they are there at all. I don't even notice them when masturbating either. They look a little like little blisters I guess, but they clearly don't have any fluid in them and as I said they're not painful.

I'm just a little worried because I have no idea what they are - at first I thought they could be genital warts, but they looked nothing like any images on the web, and as I've only had one sexual partner (and it's impossible for him to have given me anything as he didn't do anything sexual at all with his first girlfriend apart from kissing - we were both virgins when we got together, and he had no genital contact with his other ex) it's impossible for either of us to have picked something up from anywhere else for me to have become infected with something

So any ideas what this could be about? I can't find any help on the net and I don't really want to go to the doctor if I can avoid it, though obviously if people think I should have it checked out I will.

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Reply 1
keep your eye on it for a day or two and if its no better you will need to go doctors
Reply 2
I'd go see a doctor.

They don't have to be a sexually transmitted disease, but you still might need medication for them. I've had shingles down there twice before, and it looked a bit like little blisters -at first they were sensitive, then they started to hurt. The docotr cleared them right up with medication. (Shingles are rare in young people though).

Could also be a spot? Unusual I know, but...
Reply 3
I'd go see a doctor.

They don't have to be a sexually transmitted disease, but you still might need medication for them. I've had shingles down there twice before, and it looked a bit like little blisters -at first they were sensitive, then they started to hurt. The docotr cleared them right up with medication. (Shingles are rare in young people though).

Could also be a spot? Unusual I know, but...

They aren't really....spottish, though. They're smooth and raised...not really blisters I guess, but it's the best way I could think to describe them. They are just like little swellings, and they're not weeping or anything like that.

I don't think they're spots either though - and they're just on the clitoris, and I can't see them unless I pull the hood bit back.
Reply 4
I'm stumped then. I'd still go see a doctor. Maby give it a day or two if you want, to see if they go away on their own. If they don't, go see one.

Seriously, when I had the shingles I was terrified I'd caught some terrible disease but I was also scared of getting examined by a doctor (hadn't had an examination down there before). In the end, I was glad I went. You'll feel better if you know it's nothing to worry about, or if you know how to get rid of it. And you can ask for a woman doctor if you prefer.
Reply 5
Yeah I'm popping down to my local GUM place on Saturday, but I was just freaking out - I'm usually fairly knowledgable about weird things like this, I just can't fathom it and I don't like not knowing.

Also my GP is a tit and I've often had to correct him before - when I went on the pill (ages ago and I'm off it now) to avoid saying the word 'period' to me, he called it my 'moon cycle' ¬_¬ - so I like to know what my body's decided to do before I go, in case I get told one thing and it's actually wrong...
I think I had something similar to what you described last year. I didn't do anything about it at the time because I was too embarrassed to tell my mum or go to the doctors, but luckily after a couple of days it just sort of disappeared.
I've only had one sexual partner (and it's impossible for him to have given me anything as he didn't do anything sexual at all with his first girlfriend apart from kissing - we were both virgins when we got together, and he had no genital contact with his other ex) it's impossible for either of us to have picked something up from anywhere else for me to have become infected with something

He was lying... :ninja:
Reply 8
He was lying... :ninja:

I have contemplated this, and if I do turn out to have an STD I will rip him to pieces. Actually I'll just rip his bits off - humiliation as punishment is fun ¬_¬

But yeah...unlikely really, for reasons I won't go into here because they're personal between the two of us.
I have contemplated this, and if I do turn out to have an STD I will rip him to pieces. Actually I'll just rip his bits off - humiliation as punishment is fun ¬_¬

But yeah...unlikely really, for reasons I won't go into here because they're personal between the two of us.

Lol, I was only joking. :biggrin:
Reply 10
Lol, I was only joking. :biggrin:

I know, I just like to leave threats to him around here and there, especially now that he's my ex.
Lol, you didn't anon your last post, haha
Reply 12
thats unfortunate liz
Reply 13
It is nothing. Dont even got to the Doctor.
Reply 14
Oh buggering hell. Never mind xD

Now we all know who the girl with the weird lumps is - to be fair I did post that quite late at night. I was tired :frown:
Reply 15
It happens -I forgot to anon my first post too and just gave up lol!
Reply 16
could it be glands? iv had them b4.. i dont no but i gues if they r raised under the skin then they cud stretch the skin so they look a funny colour? also i wouldnt go to a gum clinic..i did once and they gave me antibiotics which i didnt need and i then spoke 2 my doc hu sed never go there because they hand out meds like sweets! if ur worried c ur doc..its wat they r ther for.. he may refer u to hav the tests they wud do at a gum clinic but i think that docs wud b a better first stop than the gum clinic!
Reply 17
could it be glands? iv had them b4.. i dont no but i gues if they r raised under the skin then they cud stretch the skin so they look a funny colour? also i wouldnt go to a gum clinic..i did once and they gave me antibiotics which i didnt need and i then spoke 2 my doc hu sed never go there because they hand out meds like sweets! if ur worried c ur doc..its wat they r ther for.. he may refer u to hav the tests they wud do at a gum clinic but i think that docs wud b a better first stop than the gum clinic!


For a start they do not hand out antibiotics like sweets.
Second, you dont need your Doctors reference to see a GU clinic.
Third, that is what the Doctors and Nurses are trained to deal with. They do not just see people to test them for STI's.
Reply 18
I did not suggest that she did need a doctors reference to go to a gum clinic..simply that going to the doctor first may indicate something different..or he may suggest the tests THEY WUD DO at the gum clinic (not go to the gum clinic). these r done by the burse at the GP practice. to me its an uncomfortable and often painful experience to have these tests if you dont need them. your third point is slightly odd considering i suggested she go to her doctor because 'that is what the Doctors and Nurses are trained to deal with'.
And your first point also - of the people I know who have been to our local gu clinic have been given antibiotics, all of whom recieved their test results to find they did not have anything wrong and therefore didnt need the antibiotics.
A lot of doctors hand out antibiotics very readily hence the increasing resistance.

my point was simply that going to the doc in my opinion would be better - there is nothing they cant do (alongside the nurses at ur practice) that the gum clinic can do, but they perhaps will tel u that u dont need to have some rather awkward tests done.
Could be the beginnings of thrush.. but the only real common symptom there would be white spots.