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Reply 1
Reply 2
I don't know where you could find examples of coursework commentaries - unless your English department has some relevant resources? - but I've just finished writing both of mine, so I'll try to help :smile:
I'm assuming that you're doing AQA... otherwise I don't know if this will be of any use to you!

Basically the aim of the commentaries is to explain not only how you devised your coursework pieces, but why you made the choices that you did. For example, if you've written for a teenage audience, what specific language features did you include that reflected this? e.g. informal voice, colloquial lexis, words that mimicked speech etc.
It's just an extended piece of writing - an essay, really - so there's not much to worry about with regards to layout. :smile:

We were told to make reference to our style models throughout, comment on the effectiveness of the techniques they employed and then explore how our pieces were similar/different.

So it's an evaluation of your piece and its success!

Hope this helps!
Reply 3
can anyone help me? Im so bad at original writing and I need to get an A in my coursework as I am re-submitting, tips anyone?
I dont have any idea at all what I'm writing about
Reply 4
Just remember PEE;


Reply 5
Hey Im also stuck on commentry.. iv done my c/w bowt earthquake.. like a reality story.. n i have no idea how 2do my commentry!!!! IM ALSO STUCK!!!
The easiest way to desribe writing a commentary is to pick out all the literary techniques you have used in your work and explain why you have used them, what their desired effect is. Also you need to mention about you aim ie to entertain and how you managed to identify with your target audience. Recently finished my coursework and commentaries and I'm studying from home. Even worse!
Reply 7
The easiest way to desribe writing a commentary is to pick out all the literary techniques you have used in your work and explain why you have used them, what their desired effect is. Also you need to mention about you aim ie to entertain and how you managed to identify with your target audience. Recently finished my coursework and commentaries and I'm studying from home. Even worse!

hey thnks 4ur help.. buh ino i gotta do that already.. jst duno hw 2 write it.. n hw 2start it :-(
WOW! buh i bet ur cleva.. unlike me lollz...
I just started with something like "My main aim was to entertain my audience in the style of Angela Carter's novel "The Bloody Chamber". My target audience was blah blah and I achieved this by/this is evident in my story as...."
Reply 9
To complement the written pieces, candidates will
be required to produce two commentaries which will
allow them to reflect upon the writing process. Each
commentary should contain:
discussion of the style model(s) used in the
planning process
discussion of any significant changes made during
the writing process
reference to any reading materials used, and
discussion of how they were adapted to suit the
new text
analysis of the stylistic devices used in the text,
with exemplification from the text
reflection on the effectiveness of the final piece
including, where relevant, feedback from a variety
of sources.
This is what AQA wants.
Reply 10
Talk about language style & type, grammar, sentence structure, how you related it to your style model, why you did what you did and didn't do, your target audience.
Should I include my opinion? As I'm doing a commentary on a footballer, shall I say why I chose to do so? :smile:
Original post by bigjohndog69
big dog with the banta 69
ya ma
shut yo bitch ass mouth
omg only banta!!!!!!
Reply 18
Original post by city_chic
Just remember PEE;


