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Reply 1
According to the times good university guide, durham and warwick are the best two for history outside of Oxbridge and London.

Go to Warwick, Im going there :biggrin:

I think you could do much better than Birmingham
Reply 2
I think Bristol has better rep than Birmingham for history.
Reply 3
Bristol is a good uni but not really so much for History - it doesn't have the best reputation for its arts/history library (which is pretty important). Try looking at Durham, King's London, LSE, UCL, York etc, all good for history. Oh yeah, and Warwick!

Go to Warwick, Im going there :biggrin:

I was looking through their prospectus earlier and it looked pretty good tbh but isn't it compulsary to take history with a language there?
Reply 5
I was looking through their prospectus earlier and it looked pretty good tbh but isn't it compulsary to take history with a language there?

Yeah it is actually, although Im doing history and politics. Any combined degree means you dont have to do the language thing.
Oh really?
Wow that's a relief :biggrin: Ater GCSE German & French I vowed never to do a foreign language ever again haha.
Im doing politics atm so that could be good :smile:
Reply 7
Are you predicted high enough grades to get an offer at those unis? I assume that you are, but you should know that History at them all is fiercely competitive, so you will need to put together a very strong application.
Just looking at your profile - your GCSEs are not good enough for Durham or LSE, don't waste a UCAS space on either of them!
bit harsh lizj

they aren't that bad. Fair enough three c's aren't great and they are in the core subjects but you never know
Reply 9
Bristol, Royal Holloway,Oxford Brookes, Leicester (ask Tomber), Chichester, Essex, (Kings and UCL if you like the more traditional approach), Goldsmiths.

It does all depend on what areas you want to study as each university will have subject specialists. For History, personally think it's a very personal choice so don't go by the league table position as a complete given.
Are you predicted high enough grades to get an offer at those unis? I assume that you are, but you should know that History at them all is fiercely competitive, so you will need to put together a very strong application.
Just looking at your profile - your GCSEs are not good enough for Durham or LSE, don't waste a UCAS space on either of them!

The A* policy for LSE doesn't really apply for History, only things like Economics really. For Durham however it's most certainly true. People need 6-7 A*s to stand a realistic chance.

bit harsh lizj

they aren't that bad. Fair enough three c's aren't great and they are in the core subjects but you never know

No, just honest really. Durham are pretty strict on A*s there, so its better to let people know.
Okay so crossing off Oxbridge, LSE, & Durham.
Doing AS History, Politics, English Lang/Lit & Psychology. && probably taking History AEA award if that counts for much?
Hopefully should get 2/3 A's.
Reply 12
Okay so crossing off Oxbridge, LSE, & Durham.
Doing AS History, Politics, English Lang/Lit & Psychology. && probably taking History AEA award if that counts for much?
Hopefully should get 2/3 A's.

In regards to the AEA, it pretty much depends on what you get in it. A solid Merit or Distinction is required if it's going to have a noticeable influence.
Reply 13
bit harsh lizj

they aren't that bad. Fair enough three c's aren't great and they are in the core subjects but you never know

Sorry, I was not aiming for harsh, just trying to convey the facts. History is hellish competitive, and the OP is going to be up against the 12 A* brigade if they want to apply for top 10 unis.
I am a bit bitter about Durham, it's my pet hate, having been rejected from there because of my GCSEs, even though I was predicted AAAA at A2! So I always tell everyone not to waste time on them.
Reply 14
I think Bristol has better rep than Birmingham for history.

You would be wrong, Birmingham has a far better department than Bristol, it has a much broader range of expertise. Bristol is a good university, but in terms of history (and archaeology) departments there are far better ones out there.

You need to consider which area it is in history that you are interested in, it's no good going to a university that only teaches modern history (i.e Warwick or LSE) if you want to study medieval.
I'm most interested in Modern and had a chat to my history teacher today and he highly recommended Warwick.
Anyone with any experience of it?
Reply 16
My cousin is there (Warwick) at the moment doing history, he loves it from what Ive heard.

Have you looked at Edinburgh?
Reply 17
You should have a mix of AAA, AAB, ABB and even BBB universities. It's not uncommon even with 6/7* at GCSE to be rejected from 3 or 4 universities due to the popularity of history.
Pick one or two that are stretches, 2 that you're pretty sure you stand a good chance to get into and the rest that are safety choices! I'd highly recommend Warwick's history course but I haven't heard great things about Bristol for History, even though it's a great university overall!
LizJ is right, don't bother with Durham. I had 7A* and 3A and got rejected because my GCSE's weren't good enough.

LizJ is right, don't bother with Durham. I had 7A* and 3A and got rejected because my GCSE's weren't good enough.

Bloody hell :eek:
Definately not on my list :smile:
Edinburg is a little bit too far tbh, and I'm not particularly keen on too far North or London Either.

warwicks sounding a better choice by the minute haha,
Birmingham, Warwick, Bristol, Hull are looking like options at the moment.
Reply 19
Look at Leicester too, it's a fantastic department.