The Student Room Group

If someone you loved called you a goldfish everyday, would you begin to believe them?

Hi all! I know this seems like a thought provoking question, but this is necessary, for me at least. It is known that I don't get on well with my father. But lately he is being extra mean with asbestos on top, and it's feeling like a repeat of when I was fourteen.
Basically, I'm a bitch, I'm a selfish cow, I don't deserve to live under this roof, I should never have been born, I've ruined his life, I deserve people to hate me because I am horrible etc etc. I'm not going to say I don't say bad things back, because I do, but lately it's really been getting to me, and I feel like I just don't wanna go home, I feel insecure, unsure, undeserving, insignificant, paranoid and distrustful.

I just don't know what to do, and kind of need some advice.

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Reply 1
awwwww,poor u.god, he is so horrible to u, my dad would have never told me such fings, he never did.
Reply 2
:frown: :frown: :frown: I dunno what to say...but well try to be nice with him ,even when he is being mean...just as long as he doesn't physicaly hurts you..if he says your mean tell him your trying hard to stop being so even if you believe your not..couple of times he will of the days buy him a present.(not expensive so you wont run your allowance out)lol..with out it being his birthday or something like that...then surely he will stop:biggrin:
You know, you need to kick him in the groin.
Reply 4
Hi all! I know this seems like a thought provoking question, but this is necessary, for me at least. It is known that I don't get on well with my father. But lately he is being extra mean with asbestos on top, and it's feeling like a repeat of when I was fourteen.
Basically, I'm a bitch, I'm a selfish cow, I don't deserve to live under this roof, I should never have been born, I've ruined his life, I deserve people to hate me because I am horrible etc etc. I'm not going to say I don't say bad things back, because I do, but lately it's really been getting to me, and I feel like I just don't wanna go home, I feel insecure, unsure, undeserving, insignificant, paranoid and distrustful.

I just don't know what to do, and kind of need some advice.

its nice to be important, but its important to be nice
Reply 5
We all make mistakes...that's why there is a rubber on the end of your pencil
Reply 6
its nice to be important, but its important to be nice

Please explain :smile:
Reply 7
Children in the back seat of cars can cause accidents.
Accidents in the back seat of cars can cause children
Reply 8
buses suck!!
Reply 9
That sounds so horrible! one of my friends had the same prob, but she moved out. not sure if thats an option, but its not good to stay in a really unhealthy environment like that.
Please explain :smile:

sorry, i was just quotin some stuff

dont really like to voice my opinions unless asked (i know u asked on a whole, but anyway, i know wat i mean)
is there no way u can patch stuff up

even if it a compramise on both parties
Reply 12
We all make mistakes...that's why there is a rubber on the end of your pencil

Hi all! I know this seems like a thought provoking question, but this is necessary, for me at least. It is known that I don't get on well with my father. But lately he is being extra mean with asbestos on top, and it's feeling like a repeat of when I was fourteen.
Basically, I'm a bitch, I'm a selfish cow, I don't deserve to live under this roof, I should never have been born, I've ruined his life, I deserve people to hate me because I am horrible etc etc. I'm not going to say I don't say bad things back, because I do, but lately it's really been getting to me, and I feel like I just don't wanna go home, I feel insecure, unsure, undeserving, insignificant, paranoid and distrustful.

I just don't know what to do, and kind of need some advice.

Maybe You should be less bitchy! :rolleyes:
Reply 14
We all make mistakes...that's why there is a rubber on the end of your pencil

wow great p[ :biggrin:

Reply 16
If someone you loved called you a goldfish everyday, would you begin to believe them?

Absolutely yes
well he is verbally abusin u...thts jst as bad as hittin u in a way! this could get inside u an cause u to beleive u r as worthless as he says u r when ur not. so plzzzzzz just ignore him. remember he is wrong :smile:
Reply 18
Maybe You should be less bitchy! :rolleyes:

I do try, and I've been really good lately, but he snaps at the slightest things, e.g he asks me to help with dinner, but I'm doing my homework, so I say I'll be down as soon as possible I just need to finish my essay. So I get downstairs, apologise because it took me longer than expected, he says the dinner is ruined, im a failure, I'm useless and I'm crap.
Reply 19
Absolutely yes

Thats my point exactly.