I know, I know, there's lots of interracial threads, but I couldn't find the exact answer I was looking for!
So, with a new influx of people in 6th form, my school now has a 'black group'. Some of them are friends, and we were just having a group discussion one lunch time, when it somehow came up that me and another black girl weren't into black guys at all.
It got really heated in the end
I said that not only did they generally not do it for me physically, but that almost every single one I've ever met has been an ignorant chav, nasty perv or just an all round bastard. It also doesn't help that black people consistently, and I do mean CONSISTENTLY, glare at me in public places/walking down the road. Just the other day, I had a whole family of about 8 people simultaneously give me evils, just walking down the high street,
We then got into this, and it turns out that I'm basically like a white girl in a black girl's body. Now I've always known this, made a joke out of it. I don't dress/speak/live/act/like the same music as other black girls. I'm born and bred snobbish white suburb, private schooled till 11, then grammar schooled until now. I won't lie.
I never seriously thought that people were judging me for it though
Bit of a shock, to be honest. In terms of white guys, had a fair amount of success, two white bfs, but I do get the feeling that I confuse/intimidate them in some way, same when I speak to black guys?
Anyone care to shed some light?
(And I DON'T want anyone calling me racist, that's not what I'm asking for.)